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Following up on a Distressed Damsels post from a month or so ago, I just scanned a few more Empowered rough sketch sets recently discovered in an old folder, probably drawn to generate poses for future comic stories... maybe.

Those lines wrapped around Emp suggest the nature of the unseen foes distressing her, which becomes a tad clearer in the next set:

Yeahp, those wee, vaguely sketched figures around Emp suggest that she's been captured by the Pint-Sized Ninja Platoon, first seen quite some time ago tormenting Kei and Yu--nay, Rose & Lily in long-ago DiD commissioned sketches circa the mid- to late-90s:


That's Lily, dammit! 

Anyhoo, longtime Patrons may recall that I cranked out an entire commissioned story in proto-Empowered format pitting the Angels against the Pint-Size(d) Ninja Platoon, which I have no interest in trying to track down at present.

Back to Empowered, for some DiD pose sketches drawn on a partial page rough from midway through vol.11:

The sketches were prrrrobably prepwork for the Empowered vol.11 page in which Emp gets wrapped up by a Neurospear-puppeted Yummy Mummy:

And here's the final version of the subsequent scene sketched (via several different roughs for panel 3's shot) in the bottom half of the initial rough:

A sudden flare-up of shoulder pain is cramping my work hours for a bit, so future posts may be light on the ol' text, as I can't even type without pain right now. Ouch!

Speaking of ouch, looks like my Twitter mentions are going radioactive after a series of roughly 20-year-old comics I wrote and drew for PSM magazine have drawn scrutiny. Yes, go figure, snarky and arguably "edgelord-y" humor from The Before Times of the early 2000s miiiiight just look a tad problematic in the modern era; TBH, I haven't posted a ton of the old PSM comics here because I'm no longer fond of the rather, ah, "snotty" tone I used in 'em, though you'll likely see more of the pieces down the road as I grow ever more desperate for Patreon content.

In the meantime, looks like I'll stop checking my Twitter mentions for a few weeks!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, we're prrrrrobably rolling with every-weekday posts to finish off the last full week of April, as I need to put up at least one more Distressed Damsel and Life Drawing post each, along with the Exclusive Monthly Bonus Dealie for the Biggest Spenders (and more).




Hey, look on the bright side, at least the Twitter folk seem to appreciate the quality of the art (even if it's for prurient reasons), and some of them were feeding people onto this Patreon.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Are those Ninja anything like the Leprechaun Ninja in Fred Perry's Gold Digger?


Thanks Adam, You know I LOVE this stuff!


Dunno. There is, however, a pretty long DP/ Rose & Lily story featuring these goofballs still lurking in the DiD archives a few years back if you want to make a comparison.


The Pint Sized Ninja Platoon series is here https://www.patreon.com/posts/distressed-when-36808787 (link goes to last part, which has links to the previous parts)


Gods, I love how you draw the female figure, it's so good!


Hey, as bad as it seems, Lily and Rose getting mistaken for their principals, tied up, and damselled _is_ their job, and means they're doing it right, since that draws fire from the real Lovely Angels and lets them get on with things. They and Emp could compare notes and comisserate.