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Behold, the Work Stages—all 2.1 or so of 'em—for another "Endpage" feature I wrote and drew for the videogame magazine PSM back in 2005.

IIRC, after the magazine had stopped running its annual swimsuit feature with art by many comics artists—ah, yes, the times they were a-changing, even back in those halcyon days of the 2000s—this was yet another attempt at doing a one-page callback to the now-discarded concept, like the previous PSM post I put up last month. 

The initial rough, featuring especially dubious and unappealing possibilities for the swimsuit feature:

Note that there's a certain videogame continuity error of sorts lurking in the rough's text, still seen in the finished pencils (on linen-finish cardstock, the same medium used for my Vintage Con Sketches from the turn of the millennium):

The continuity error, of course, is that the legendary Resident Evil 4—which would later end up in my personal list of Top 5 Videogames Ever, if not Top 3—didn't have conventional zombies like this. (The scrofulous, parasite-infested villagers don't count, IMHO.) 

Note that I must not have played RE4 yet when I wrote this piece, and my editor Chris very likely pointed out the issue. So, I made a correction in the really final version:

(Note also that I jacked up the contrast levels in Photoshop a tad excessively for this jpeg.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure at the moment as to exactly what's coming up in the next M/W/F slot, TBH. Let's find out together, shall we?




I wonder what else is on your list of Top 5 Videogames Ever?