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So, dear Patrons, even as we enter the era of new digital test-bed project The Chaste and the Chained, time for a look at what will be likely the last sketch sets of "Rose & Lily lore" for a while.

These first two pages of rough sketches were actually drawn and written a few months ago, back in the heyday of my phase of "DiD sketch sets of officewear-disguised Rose & Lily annotated with hastily extrapolated BS SF-skewed text attempting to rationalize their status as 3WA distress magnets."

I didn't post these two pages back then because one of the panels was a tad sketchy (in the figurative sense) content-wise; tinkered with it a bit, resulting in the closing page below:

But wait, a kinda-sorta life drawing angle is involved! See, the Lily poses above were derived from a bunch of quick sketches referenced from a lengthy damsel-in-distress scene in the 1973 Italian TV episode (from a Dario-Argento-hosted series!) Door into Darkness: The Neighbor, or La Porta sul Buio: Il Vicino di Casa if you prefer:

See, I had grown tired of repeating the same g-d poses over and over again in my damsel-y commissions, so I thought I should branch out into some quick gesture sketches based on the Vicino di Casa scene, which I was alerted to by a DiD commissioner a few years ago. (BTW, gotta love that the TV episode was directed by none other than Luigi Cozzi, who went on to direct the nigh-legendary Starcrash at the end of the decade.)

And lo, these quick sketches of the TV show's damsel were clearly well-suited to be repurposed into source material for another sketch set of imperiled "Office Lily" in microskirt and high heels. Yay?

Wellp, that's prrrrobably gonna be it for Rose & Lily sketch sets and "lore" for a while, as I'm now working on pages from DiD-skewing fantasy comic and digital-art test-bed project The Chaste and the Chained. Speaking of which, here's the (analog-media) base layout for an upcoming page:

Onward! (In fact, as soon as I finish this post, I'm firing up CSP and the ol' Cintiq to start work on the digital version of the page above.)

NEXT TIME IN DISTRESSED DAMSELS: Next Tuesday will see February's Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the $10 & $20 tiers, which will feature a bunch of art-request CSP sketch sets heavy on the ol' DiD imagery (and another appearance by The Chaste's elf). Wheeeee!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Monday will see a lil' something in regularly scheduled M/W/F content plus very likely a new art request post for the $20 tier, as I've cleared out most of the old reqs with the aforementioned Bonus Post.




Ah, the 3WA's legendary leadership brain trust in action. "One of our agents went rogue because we repeatedly tinkered with her physical and mental processes and made a hash of things. Clearly, the best option to prevent a repeat is more lowest-bidder engineered overly-fiddly tinkering. Also, repeatedly fucking with people that are demonstrably capable of warping reality is something that can in no way bite us in the ass down the road." Truly, this is strategic thinking worthy of the genii that thought that Kevin Sleet deserved a management job.

andrew (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 09:59:16 Looking forwad to your new projects, but I will miss R&L stories. Those two had such great, albeit very niche, potential.
2023-02-24 15:28:58 Looking forwad to your new projects, but I will miss R&L stories. Those two had such great, albeit very niche, potential.

Looking forwad to your new projects, but I will miss R&L stories. Those two had such great, albeit very niche, potential.


Sadly, that's all still on-brand for them! I can totally see the 3WA trying this out at first just to draw fire from the real Lovely Angels, installing buggy software, and considering removing it.... but then noticing the same reality distortion that always leads the LA to have disasters happen around them has a similar effect on Rose & Lily, but with a DiD flare. So they let it roll to see what happens, and it just makes them more effective decoys for the LA anyway!


Love the prelims. Especially the "mannequins".