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So, following up on our previous post in this series, here are the rest of the complete Work Stages from a 2013 Scarlet Witch/ Domino story I wrote and drew for the Avengers/ X-Men team-up anthology A+X. (I'm a tad dubious about posting Marvel material here, so keep this stuff to yourselves, won't you?)

Anyhoo, this bygone project came to mind as I'm mulling formats and media for future projects, given that the workflow I used on this short story showed some degree of promise, though I soon abandoned the techniques used here. The project's rendering approach of tight layouts, blue-penciled underdrawings and (mostly) ink-free pencils was still quite slow and time-consuming, given that the art went through the same number of Work Stages as an ink-based workflow; nonetheless, this technique would've been a bit faster than conventional inks, though the time savings might well have been marginal.

(Note that this particular Work Stages feature seemed to be less popular content than most judging by the lower than average number of "likes" on the previous installment, hence my wrapping up this feature rather more quickly than originally planned.)

Not much further to say about this project, other than to say that ace colorists Guru eFX really kicked butt in their fine work on these pages. Dig that nigh-psychedelic final page, as I hastily wrapped up this 10-pager more than a tad abruptly:

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Well, something should be going up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




Really different look for both from their recent cinematic incarnations, but I'm digging it. Enjoying the technical details in the marginalia, too.


Wow, love how this turned out

Steven Ng

I love seeing the layouts and other work stages. It may take a couple days for me to give these posts a good look.


The blue pencil pages are my favorite, I just love how they look.