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For a brief break from the DiD "sketchiness," I thought I'd delve back in time (and back in my PATREON STUFF folder) to a series of more developed-looking Clip Studio Paint art requests from the Biggest Spenders of the $20 tiers, with sketch sets dating back to those bygone days of 2020-21 yore.

Pretty sure these old images would've mostly been seen before by only the Biggest Spenders as part of their Monthly Exclusive Bonus Post dealie, though a few miiiight have appeared in $5-tier Distressed Damsels posts on occasion.

I'm honestly unsure as to whether or not many Bigger Spenders bother to comb back through the archives to see the Exclusive Bonus Posts, as I rarely see very many "likes" on older posts. (Yes, I'm aware that Patreon features more complex analytical tools to quantify Patron engagement in detail, but I've neither the time nor the energy nor the interest to actually use those tools.)

A few words:

Good thing for the cat ears, or Ocelotina would be complete unrecognizable in this state.

Not a ton of DiD content in this set, but what the heck.

At upper left is the half-orc's first brush with DiD imagery! (Okay, second, as the initial, rather different iteration that spawned her was from a DiD commission.) Meanwhile, business as usual for the half-elf at lower right.

Behold my first and (so far) last brush with CSP's symmetry ruler!

NEXT UP ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not yet sure what the content will be, but you should see something in the next M/W/F slot, okay?

UPDATE: In fact, Friday's post should be the Designs Ahoy dealie I mentioned on Monday; forgot to finish up the post while doing further design work and story notes for the new project in question. To repeat from Monday:

Looks like my next post will almost certainly be a Designs Ahoy update featuring my initial (re)designs for the hero and heroine of a new(-ish) fantasy comic I'll be doing on Patreon as a test bed for figuring out some kind of g-d digital workflow for future projects.

Yes, insanely enough, I will actually be doing a fantasy comic (the new-ish thing) to pave the way for another fantasy comic (The Last Party). Shocking but true!




The business suit Emp is so well done!

Thomas Pool

Business suit Elissa is tres hot. Then again, so is Dom Emp.


For what it's worth, I do actively go back and read old stuff, but I wasn't in the habit of "liking" stuff back when I was reading the earlier things for fear that anything I say or indicate on the internet could be used against me somehow, and going back to like stuff feels like old-time thread necromancy; I don't want to spam you with notifications. Funny thing is, your stuff both here and on the webcomic is still some of the only places where I've worked up the nerve to actually write comment posts or like things at all; for instance, I never post on Facebook or Twitter because I don't want to get hassled or cancelled years down the line, and I believe my posts on other web comment sections/forums amount to a combined four or five, and two of those were just buying a copy of Perfect Dark off a guy on Something Awful.


Congrats to whoever made the requests. They turned out great.


The shredded suit one makes me wonder how much if any time Emp spends wondering how TF her supersuit always grows back after being shredded to confetti more than once. And I can 100% Ocelotina straight up (quietly) hiring low-to-medium supervillains to 'subdue and bind' her, so she can keep shooting fresh, monetizable videos of her 'MMMpph!'-ing sexily. And that will give Emp _migranes._

Sepia Maplewood

That's... Petalwing... from Elf Quest. THAT IS LEGIT!


Always love seeing these posts come back and let more people enjoy the fun. :)

Lex of Excel

The shredded suit was my request, but Adam misinterpreted it. It was supposed to be the suit itself minus Emp being shredded in the way of a cool animation I found.