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Behold, the Work Stages on one-page cartoon I did for the Playstation videogame PSM back in the halcyon days of 2006. The piece appeared on the last page of the issue, hence my "Endpager" nickname for the feature.

Anyhoo, for context, up until this point PSM had done an annual "Summer Videogame Swimsuit" feature with illos by various comics artists; yes, folks, the mid-2000s were clearly a rather different time than The Current Day. 

Even back then, though, I gather that the whole swimsuit dealie had become a bit of a hot potato, so the magazine stopped commissioning illos for the feature. My cartoon was a whimsical attempt at explaining the omission, as seen in the initial rough:

However, featuring two battered women(!) to kick off the cartoon was sensibly viewed as very likely being A Really Bad Idea, so I substituted a "coed" sketch switching out Cammy for Ryu:

Onward to the final version, which was drawn and lettered on my once-beloved linen-finish cardstock, hence the faint fabric pattern just barely perceptible in the pencil shading:

Yyyyyeah, I don't quite think that the last bit with the cosplayer would fly nowadays, for several different reasons. A different time, folks!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Looks like Wednesday's post will almost certainly be a Designs Ahoy update featuring my initial (re)designs for the hero and heroine of a new(-ish) fantasy comic I'll be doing on Patreon as a test bed for figuring out some kind of g-d digital workflow for future projects. 

Yes, insanely enough, I will actually be doing a fantasy comic (the new-ish thing) to pave the way for another fantasy comic (The Last Party). Shocking but true!



A Patreon of the Ahts

Love the one with the package. Did you know there was a guy who spend ages digitally removing MCU actor's packages for the movies? That was his job. True story...