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Behold, dear Patrons, a sneak peek at the Work Stages for "Hyena Anxiety," an 8-page backup story I wrote and drew for an upcoming (March 2023) issue of DC's Harley Quinn. (Keep this stuff to yourselves, pls, as I'm more than a tad dubious about posting licensed work here.)

I'm running waaaay late this morning, so I've no time for detailed commentary; luckily, the Work Stages pretty much speak for themselves.

One thing I can say is that the relative ease of doing that 7-page Wolverine/ Man-Thing story last summer suckered me into thinking that I could just breeze my way through conventionally penciling and inking another shortie on full-sized original pages. This turned out to emphatically not be the case, as this gig turned out to be nightmarishly frustrating and time-consuming. I doubt I will ever again attempt drawing a comic via this old format, which I quite sensibly abandoned way back in the year 2000 after gritting and grinding my way through the miniseries Dirty Pair: Run from the Future.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, the Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the Biggest Spenders of the $10 and $20 tiers will probably go up tomorrow, featuring the conclusion of a fantasy RPG-based, "flirty" damsel-in-distress story from the early 2000s that includes images such as this:

...and a recently drawn illo revisiting the story: 

Posting this Bonus dealie on Thursday will leave the next day open for a rare return of the Failed-Project Friday feature, this time focusing on a doomed pitch I dubbed Empowered Girl—which, a decade later, makes an appearance (of sorts) in June 2023's Empowered vol.12. Golly!



Matt Penn

This might be the most specific compliment I've ever given, but you draw a real nice hyena.


This is already a fun setup for a short story. Can't wait to see how things play out.