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A year or so ago (UPDATE: No, that was two years ago, ouch), I showed the fine folks of the $10 and $20 tiers an exclusive preview of pages from the upcoming Empowered vol.12's "Deathtrapmonger" scene. Wellp, here's the scene again, for all you other Patrons' perusal:

Yes, this scene's short-lived rebooting of the Empverse includes a deathtrap-oriented version of the familiar Deathmonger. Go figure!

Ah, but the sequence's third previewed page included a moment in which Emp looks down at the combo "straitjacket/push-up bra" she's been strapped into. At the time, I censored out this one particular page's third panel, for SPOILER-related reasons:

...because, as you can see, that panel of Emp briefly fantasizing about bedroom cosplay broached the topic of her being in a threesome with Thugboy and Ninjette:

(Featuring Ninjette cosplaying as Ena from Disgaea, you'll note.)

Wellp, I censored that panel two years ago because Empowered vol.12's SPOILER-iffic cover illo hadn't yet been released:

Now that the threesome concept has been revealed by the book's very cover, I figured 'twas time to show you folks the uncensored early pages from that Deathtrapmonger scene.

But wait, there's more!

I wound up having to replace that panel anyway, due to a recent reshuffling of the story order in the final version of Empowered vol.12 now being pieced together in Dark Horse Production. (More on this matter later.)

Problem is, this story fragment's early broaching of the threesome situation wound up being a tad offputting and confusing due to the fact that, in the book's rather jumbled reading order, this actually precedes Emp proposing the idea to Ninjette and Thugboy. 

For a while I thought I could muddle through with this narrative glitch as is, but this weekend I decided to finally bite the bullet and replace the panel with a Ninjette-less depiction of bedroom cosplay that would be less disorienting in terms of in-volume continuity and storytelling:

(Note that I'm using different Photoshop level adjustments for my Empowered jpegs nowadays, hence the patch panel looking much higher contrast than the rest of the page.)

Next up are the rough drafts for the replacement panel. Here's the first:

...and the second:

And lo, I chose the first version mainly 'cause I like that Emp sketch better.

Anyhoo, Dark Horse has announced the book's release in June 2023. And now, back to work on further tweaks to Empowered vol.12's reshuffled pages. Golly!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure at present, but something should be going up in the next M/W/F slot, okay?




The original threesome panel is a bit funnier, but if it doesn't work with the chronology, oh well. Bedroom shenanigans distracting Emp in the middle of a deathtrap gauntlet is still fun, and kind of says positive things about how she's grown since her really-insecure Vol1 self. Early Emp would not have even had the prospect of 'happy horny funtimes waiting at home' to distract her at all. And boy, hahaha, is dtm way more of a Golden Age comic book villain than dm.

Dave Van Domelen

Makes me wonder which takes up more space in storage: Thugboy's collection of stolen villain gear, or Emp's collection of escaped-from bondage gear.


So cool! Really enjoy getting to see and understand some of the work that goes into creating the Empowered volumes.


That.... is actually a harder question that I thought. Maybe Emp's because they're not selling off *her* collection to make rent... I think?

Aidenke (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 16:21:49 These are both really fun panels -- there's nothing better than seeing Emp shift into "maybe--no, definitely--this is something I could have fun with" mode. Any time she gets >:3 about something, it adds a layer of fun to the whole thing.... a great little moment of levity in what would be a tense time, giving her the motivation to endure and persevere. Plus, imagining Deathmonger leaning full Batman '66-level camp mode is too fun. Taking her whole "Emp is an interesting one" attitude and launching it into "I must test this" mode that feels befitting for the heightened scenario. Can't wait to see how this plays out in-context!
2022-12-20 04:39:35 These are both really fun panels -- there's nothing better than seeing Emp shift into "maybe--no, definitely--this is something I could have fun with" mode. Any time she gets >:3 about something, it adds a layer of fun to the whole thing.... a great little moment of levity in what would be a tense time, giving her the motivation to endure and persevere. Plus, imagining Deathmonger leaning full Batman '66-level camp mode is too fun. Taking her whole "Emp is an interesting one" attitude and launching it into "I must test this" mode that feels befitting for the heightened scenario. Can't wait to see how this plays out in-context!

These are both really fun panels -- there's nothing better than seeing Emp shift into "maybe--no, definitely--this is something I could have fun with" mode. Any time she gets >:3 about something, it adds a layer of fun to the whole thing.... a great little moment of levity in what would be a tense time, giving her the motivation to endure and persevere. Plus, imagining Deathmonger leaning full Batman '66-level camp mode is too fun. Taking her whole "Emp is an interesting one" attitude and launching it into "I must test this" mode that feels befitting for the heightened scenario. Can't wait to see how this plays out in-context!