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Behold, a bunch of miscellaneous Distressed Damsels sketch sets, each worked up to generate poses for later reuse in either a future commission or possible comic project.

The first two were vaguely slated to feature an elven sorceress "laid low" for a long-term commissioner's request, hence the crystal ball g*g (in theory) magically robbing her of spell use in the first tier of images:

...but by the bottom tier of images, she had pretty much turned into the Hushed Half-Elf for all intents and purposes, albeit with slightly wavier hair.

Another page of more-or-less Hushed Half-Elf sketches, with some decent poses I might reuse elsewhere someday:

Next up, early sketches for the never-completed continuation of a "Magician Shasti vs. Rose" story that was once posted here, but (I think) deleted during the April scare when Patreon Trust & Safety flagged a bunch of Distressed Damsels posts as "promoting sexual violence":

I might consider reposting that story—okay, "story"—here someday, as it wasn't originally flagged by Trust & Safety as suspect, despite an overall tone of skeeviness as Magician Shasti rather salaciously addresses poor Rose.

Another "odds & ends" sketch set from a few years back features a new appearance by an unnamed, maskless superheroine I drew for a bunch of rough-sketch commissions well before Empowered came about. This character, who I've unofficially nicknamed "Emerald" as a supranym after I drew her in a green proto-Empsuit for a color piece, was one of the early forerunners to Emp, along with "Dirty Pair: A Plague of Angels' Cory Emerson as superheroic damsel" seen in the Bonus Features for vol. 1 of Empowered Deluxe Edition. (Yeah, I'll need to dig up those old files for a future Distressed Damsels post, or at least scan the images out of the Deluxe Edition.)

Anyhoo, here's a random set of semi-recent "Emerald" rough sketches, pretty much sporting Emp's physique and extra-ragged supersuit with a marginally different hairstyle (and no mask):

The character actually has dark hair, but these incomplete sketches don't indicate that. (Same deal with Lily in other rough sketches.) Pretty sure I have more Emerald DiD sketches kicking around somewhere, including a pretty solid straitjacket set that I came very close to reusing for a scene in Empowered vol. 10 but, well, didn't. So, down the road, you can expect to see more of ol' Emerald—or, to give her the official bold & italicized font treatment, Emerald.

NEXT TIME ON DISTRESSED DAMSELS: I might post some sketch-based comic pages next, from a recent set of Rose & Lily roughs that pitted them against Hushed Half-Elf's potion-shop gnomes; or, if I finally make some g-d progress now that the Harley Quinn FRPG cover is (mostly) done, you might see the first finished pages from that CSP test comic, Rose & Lily: Flowers of Peril.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure ATM, but sometime this month, I'm hoping to feature the Patreon Exclusive Premiere of Empowered vol. 12's eyecatching cover illo and solicitation copy. Yay?



Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Is it just me or can't you click on the images to see them better in this post like you could in the previous ones?🤔


On my PC, at least, you have to double-click to get the zoom, but now you can double-click again to get an even closer view. Seems like a new function, which is entirely possible, as Patreon is CONSTANTLY tweaking little things hither and yon.

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Yeah this was in the patreon app itself, previous posts you could tap on each image itself and then pinch zoom the resulting open image to get a better look at it but in this post tapping each of the images doesn't do anything. I just wondered if you had done anything differently in this post with the settings.


Wait, so is Emerald going to join Rose and Lily in the Legion of Substitute Heroines now?


Is there suppose to be six images? It shows six images in the gallery view but you can only see five


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Gotta love the curves.