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So, here's another birthday-gift illo drawn for one of my niece's other characters from my on-again, (currently) off-again D&D campaign. (Ehh, don't feel like combing back through the archives to find my sketch of her first character.) In fact, this PC's from a now-shelved alternate campaign, as we briefly ran a different, smaller party while another of my nieces was, y'know, giving birth to one of my grand-nephews. (Yes, I am indeed a "Grunkle," five times over so far.)

Anyhoo, her alt character was a Tiefling Bard, as you can see, who was prrrrobably the inspiration for the "Devilspawn Bard" version of Mindf**k seen on the back-cover illo of Empowered vol.12:

However, the original sketch for Devilspawn Hannah had a pretty good drawing of digitigrade legs, which wound up mostly obscured by the foreground figure of Goblin Ninja in the final version:

..so I decided to repurpose this pose for a sketch of my niece's Tiefling Bard "Velrissa." Yesterday I flopped the Hannah rough on a lightboard, transferred the pose to Bristol board, and was well into inking the dang thing before I remembered to scan the pencil stage:

BTW, that date in the upper left corner was supposed to cue me in re: the timeframe of an FRPG cosplay pic from my tablet's overflowing Camera Roll that I was using for reference.

Alas, in the final inks I kinda screwed up the Tiefling's lower legs and hooves, which wound up notably inferior to the Hannah version due to her left lower leg being annoyingly straight:

Oh, well. On to the colored pencils:

Amazingly, this one g-d fantasy illo chewed up my drawing hand worse than 2.5 weeks of hardcore penciling & inking on that Marvel Wolverine vs. Man-Thing Crypt of Shadows story. (An update on that mostly completed comic will be hitting this Patreon shortly, never fear.) A chronic pressure-sensitivity issue with the pad of my middle finger just flared up after this illo, so I need to take a few days off from drawing to allow my hand to heal up.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, possibly that Marvel update I just mentioned, or a Life Drawing post, or an Unnamed Robot Comic Work Stages dealie, or something in the Distressed Damsels vein for the $5+ tiers. Next Monday, let's find out together, shall we?




There's so much detail in the pants! Are you mad?


Ooof... I hope you iced your hands or something!