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I'm more than a tad dubious about posting DC or Marvel stuff here, so keep this to yourselves, okay?

Anyhoo, following up on an earlier post, here are my pencils, inks and color guides for a Harley Quinn variant cover I worked on earlier this summer, which wound up being a shockingly stressful and challenging creative experience. The visual motif I elected to pursue was "vaguely cyperpunky SF," so I elected to draw an image of a hardsuited HQ with mechahyenas.

A troubling complication arose when it occurred to me that the foreground mechahyena's "mane" or ruff of fiber-optic "hair" was a less-than-ideal combo with Harley's groin, so I switched that element out with a different crest motif, which was deemed to be less potentially objectionable:

Then I proceeded to ink the image, which took forever as I dragged my sorry ass through hour upon hour of work which I soon grew to dislike intensely. I hate inking in general, true, but I found that I really seem to hate inking SF/techy riffs. Not likely that I'll be drawing an SF book again anytime soon, especially not if I have to ink the g-d artwork:

Good thing I'm working on a fantasy-based project next! (And, in fact, my next HQ cover will likely have an FRPG bent.)

Anyhoo, next time around we'll move on to the coloring stage, as my color guides above hint; alas, further troubles lay in store with this stage as well.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure, TBH, but very likely another preview of that 7-page Man-Thing/ Wolverine story I'm doing for Marvel's Halloween anthology book Crypt of Shadows.




Well, at least it looks cool.


Very 'Knight Sabers' hardsuit there, especially the legs.

Dean Reilly

So is inking all the straps, buckles and bits of chainmail in a fantasy project that much easier?


Very dynamic! I enjoy the energy


Noice...we'll ink for ya next time heh