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Behold, an old commissioned sketch set (from 1997 or so, judging by the nose and costume design) featuring Dirty Pair's Kei--nay, Rose bedamseled by an unseen captor. I think of this format as "Cheesecake Focus," in that we never really see the bad guy or any backgrounds or settings, just the damsel getting distressed. (Then again, not like I was being commissioned to depict bad guys or BGs.) Gives the sketch set an almost abstract feel, as the "storytelling" is left unclear at best:

IIRC, this set is based loosely--very loosely--on a scene from the final episode of the 1985 Dirty Pair TV series (okay, technically the later From Lovely Angels with Love two-episode OAV release, but let's not get bogged down in old-school anime minutiae, okay?). At the episode's end, Kei briefly tussles with a Big Boss baddie who disarms and entangles her with an old-school bullwhip before Y**i pops up and guns him down.

Wellp, no such luck for poor Rose in this scenario, needless to say. (Getting her butt pinched by the unseen bad guy really adds insult to injury, gotta say.)

UPDATE: After looking more closely at the scans, this looks like a set that might've been roughed out in 1997, but must have been finished sometime later, as some (though not all) of the figure drawing and pencilwork looks to be post-millennial:

That is definitely an thing I would do on occasion, as I had all sorts of unfinished roughs kicking around during periods of alternation between commissions and comics work.

Anyhoo, fairly recently I revisited this long-lost scenario for a friend and long-term (small-P) patron, and drew several (Cheesecake-Focus!) sketch sets of Rose Laid Low, which I'll post here down the road once I process the raw scans for 'em.

On a semi-related note, here's a repost of a lost Hushed Half-Elf one-pager that was deleted as collateral damage along with a notably more problematic Rose & Lily sketch set during my April visit from Patreon Trust & Safety:

On the future Distressed Damsels front, I should let you folks know that next month, once my Wolverine/Man-Thing grind is outta the way, I'm prrrrrobably going to start doing some new comic pages of either Hushed Half-Elf or Rose & Lily in a fantasy setting, as much-needed experimentation and practice for The Last Party. Gotta bite that bullet and start drawing actual Clip Studio Paint comic pages via Cintiq, y'know?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure at the moment, but something should be going up on Thursday, okay?




The way you draw DD stuff is fantastic.

Steven W

Always happy to see more of your fantasy-based work!