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Decided to give poor Officewear Lily a break from her ongoing workplace perils and put up a grab-bag Distressed Damsels post of recently unearthed incomplete commissions from the late 90s and/or early 2000s. A few words:

This page was gonna be a continuation of an "Kei--nay, Rose vs. Cocktail Dress" story serialized here a few years ago. If anybody feels like tracking that story down in my sprawling Patreon archive, feel free to post a link to it in the comments.

The next piece is an unfinished DiD sketch set...

...that was gonna feature the mage I created for an RPG illo commissioned by the videogame mag PSM: 

Note that the elven mage's design lives on with the (human) mage girlfriend from Hushed Half-Elf:

...who will be making new appearances very soon, as she's an integral part of my upcoming fantasy RPG(-ish) project that's merging characters from Hushed Half-Elf and Party of Two into a thoroughly bats**t new premise. Yay?

And for a li'l more DiD content, here's another Hushed Half-Elf piece, seen here a few years ago:

And, hey, how about another such piece, likewise from 2019:

No idea if any of you newer Patrons had already scrolled all the way back to 2019 to see these older pieces; if not, then they'd be "new to you," as the used-car sellers say.

Next up were some incomplete late-90s "quad" sketch sets in montage comic format of Kei--nay, Rose & Lily, previous examples of which were posted here years ago (which, again, I have neither the time nor the inclination to look up):

(Note that each panel above would've featured a different scene, setting, and character/costume design.)

And here's a rough for one panel of another, even more incomplete "quad"-format page:

Definitely in-character for Rose to be unreasonably upset about her "Hypno-Butt" being outshone by Lily's "toothsome rump" (per Empowered's Caged Demonwolf). Now, that would be distressing!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Brace yourselves for Failed-Project Friday's inaugural post of roughs and script for the defunct miniseries Empowered and the Mask City Meltdown, folks!

Note that Big Spenders of the $10 & $20 tiers can expect to see s'more damsel content by Friday, as I'm planning to put up some art-request sketch sets as your Monthly Bonus Post, and dang if all of 'em I've drawn so far haven't been DiD images. Golly!




Awesome stuff, thanks for posting it.

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

It goes without saying that this is all awesome, but I love how adorably huggable HH-E looks in that second of the two images, envious of the companion!


Wait, is that Fleshmaster abducting Rose and Lilly at the S&M club?

The Silver Socialist

I didn't know the Hushed Half Elf is a lesbian. I'm glad I have that information now.


Couldn't find the 4x4 but here's the cocktail dress post https://www.patreon.com/posts/distressed-dress-33859016

adamwarren (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 16:28:14 Thanks! Come to think of it, I probably deleted the 4X4 post after the troubling incident with Patreon Trust & Safety last month.
2022-04-29 13:07:45 Thanks! Come to think of it, I probably deleted the 4X4 post after the troubling incident with Patreon Trust & Safety last month.

Thanks! Come to think of it, I probably deleted the 4X4 post after the troubling incident with Patreon Trust & Safety last month.


Yeah that tracks. I recall one of the comics being paired with an amusing HHE mini-comic where she fails a stealthcheck behind a tree