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So, about a month ago, I stumbled across a bunch of old Word documents for a series of mostly unsuccessful proposals which could be featured on future Failed-Project Fridays. I then put up a poll for the Bigger Spenders of the $10 & $20 Patron tiers, querying those extra-generous folks as to which defunct pitch they'd like to see posted first.

Ah, but at the end of the poll I tacked on a voting option for a rare successful pitch of minenamely, the 2000-2001 run of Wildstorm's superteam book Gen13 (issues #60-77) which I wrote and occasionally drew. And lo, the Big Spending Patrons chose that that option as their favorite by a wide margin, with the pitch doc for the defunct crossover Dirty Pair/Gen13: Jupiter Brain coming in as a distant second. (That old proposal and others from the poll will appear here eventually, likely after I've finished the upcoming serialization of script and layouts for the similarly defunct miniseries Empowered and the Mask City Meltdown.)

Note, however, that the actual Word doc for this pitch is inaccessible, no doubt lost in a botched hard drive migration of yore, so I had to scan a set of printouts of the Gen13 pitch for your reading pleasure.

Note also that the Gen13 image that leads off the gallery above mainly focuses on previous miniseries Grunge! the Movie and Magical Drama Queen Roxy, but the piece does feature a few cameos from characters that appeared in the #60-77 run.

Anyhoo, above are my synopses for some of the initial short stories and brief arcs that could've appeared in the first stretch of Gen13 issues I planned to write; while some of the proposed stories did get used directly in the published series, others appeared in altered form or not at all. (A good choice, IMHO, for several of the less promising concepts.)

Keep in mind, kind Patrons, that I wrote this proposal over 22 g-d years ago in a rather different creative climate, so brace yourselves for once au courant concepts and descriptive approaches that have been rendered tiresome or cliched or unfashionable or, let's face it, problematic over the intervening decades.

Anyhoo, sometime next month I'll post the next section of the proposal, which addresses options for the "Big, Spectacular Monstrosity of a Plotline" mentioned in page one of the pitch. Sound good? Hope so!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Thursday will definitely feature a Distressed Damsels post for the $5+ Patron tiers, very likely featuring sketches of long-suffering SF heroine "Lily" running into yet more peril at the office.



Dave Van Domelen

Ah, yes...superheroes at comic-cons have been a known Bad Idea since at least Starbrand got an entire convention vaporized in the late 80s.


Man, what a nostalgia punch. Gen13 was awesome. Thanks for sharing these.


I remember some of those issues! You brought Gen13 back in focus for a while


There was a reason Grunge rebuffed Roxy's advances?

Thomas Pool

Two reasons: The dreaded C-word, and his inability to keep his member in his pants.