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Behold, following up on my previous post of layout pages from Unnamed Robot Comic (better known as 2004's Marvel mecha-team miniseries Livewires), here are the work stages on a few more of the pages from issue #4 that I wound up drawing myself, as opposed to leaving the work to series artist Rick Mays; I did so either for deadline reasons or because the pages in question were heavily technical.

So, in the image gallery above, you'll see my layout page, then my finished pencils, then series inker Jason Martin's B&W inks over my pencils, then coloring studio Guru eFX's final colors.

A few words on the second page:

This shot of the Dark Helicarrier is of course, derived from the original Jack Kirby page introducing the SHIELD Helicarrier, but subbing in my own goofy, meaningless techy riffs for Kirby's.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON:  Well, I'm rolling with a full Patreon workweek of daily posts to finish off the  month, but am not currently sure exactly what will be going up  tomorrow, to be perfectly frank. Let's find out together, shall we?




The contrast between the darker final product and the first sketch page is amazing. First draft has a much more manga feel. Final feels much more like a 'regular' US comic, but with manga DNA.

Sabrina Pandora

My first thought was, "Wow, you weren't kidding about the layouts constraining the artist. This all just looks like Warren's work... oh." Dark helicarrier's color work is amazing, really sells the Kirby homage image!

Dean Reilly

I can see what you mean by way too tight layouts. It looks like you've drawn two versions of the same comic!