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Following up on a Distressed Damsels post from October, here are few more pages of roughs for an abortive commissioned DiD comic from the early 2000s that would've pitted Dirty Pair's Kei--nay, Rose against the spiky-ball-on-a-chain-wielding character "Go-Go" from Quentin Tarantino's fine flick Kill Bill pt. 1. (Note that I was briefly involved in a Kill Bill comic pitch recounted here years ago, but have neither time nor interest in bothering to look up the post.)

Pretty sure there are at least two or three pages missing from this sequence, but these three are all I could dig up; not sure why the final rough started getting tighter and more finished-looking than the previous two, but the whims of Early-2000s Me are often a mystery to Present-Day Me.

Cheesecakery ahoy as Go-Go was rocking a conspicuously scantier schoolgirl uni than in the actual movie; also, this was a time of pouty lips and wonky waists, as the dreaded "Mysteriously Intermittent Post-Millennial Torso Glitch" was in full effect here. (See the first page for some especially pronounced examples of the ol' wasp-waisted Torso Glitch.) I'm honestly not sure if the wonkiness was due to me assuming that these pages would never be published, and hence not giving a crap if the figure poses were just tossed-off, deeply flawed scribbles; I'm pretty sure this wasn't a deliberate aesthetic choice on my part, though. I was just wingin' it, folks!

While the previous bunch of "Rose vs. Go-Go" roughs featured poses that were later reused quite clearly for Empowered, I'm not so sure about this set. Rose's pose from the first panel above miiiiight have been reused for that odd (and rather skeevy, TBH) "Heroine Hold-Em" faux title page; and I'm not sure if the "hapless heroine gets tranqed in the toothsome rump" image predates the similar one from the end of Empowered vol.2 (see final jpeg in gallery). Ehh, probably not, as I think the close-up of "needled Rose" arguably worked out a bit better than the Empowered shot, though Your Mileage May Vary. 

Anyhoo, that's it for long-suffering Rose's long-ago indignities in the Yaz "chrome short-shorts" outfit, folks, as yet another DiD commission wheezed to a typically abrupt and inconclusive ending. (If we're talking "in-continuity" power levels, I'd say that my original version of real Kei would've easily wiped the floor with Go-Go, but no such luck for the inexplicably bondage-prone Rose, the poor girl.)

RANDOM UNRELATED EMPOWERED VOL.12 UPDATE: As I grind my way through a flurry of sudden genre changes in my current Empowered vol.12 Emp/Thugboy/Ninjette scene, I'm considering something horror-related featuring the trio after a Patron mentioned the intriguing possibility in passing. 

Haven't given the idea a great deal of thought since then, but thought I'd throw the floor open to you fine folks: Any horror-related scenarios or sub-genres that you'd like to see Emp, Thugboy & Ninjette effectively cosplaying in? My first thought was Emp as "Sexy Dr. Frankenstein" and the other two as her "Sexy Monsters," but that's as far as I got. 

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Who knows what might go up next? At the moment, not even me, thanks to the semi-randomized "M/W/F+" posting schedule! Golly!



Dave Van Domelen

Emp as Dr. Frank N. Furter, Jette as Magenta or Columbia, and Thugboy as Rocky.


Aliens: Emp as Ripley, Thugboy as Hicks, Jette as Vasquez


Fear PROJECT SLAPPY! :) Sexy Dr Frankenstein sounds good. Ninjette imagining herself being 'threatened' by vampire seductress Emp and slab-o'-meat werewolf Thugboy? ("I am _not_ f$&#ing Bella Swan!") 'Unholy Cultist Ritual' setup, with mandatory scanty/sheer outfits?


Emp as Freddy Krueger and Thugboy and Ninjette as... frightened teenagers?


Is "Suburban Sasquatch" considered horror?


I vote cultists, mayhaps worshiping the Uncaged Demonwolf through ritual threesomes? (If Adam wants to be a jerk, have that announced and then immediately shift to a new setting right before any actual action takes place) I have some experience in that realm helping out a buddy of mine who had a self-proclaimed wizard/leader of a bondage cult threaten him with a sword. (Long story, even dumber than it sounds)

Thos. Merchant

How about the three having a nightmare, reliving a variation of the "mindpuppeted by Neurospear" finale of the last volume?


Oh I like Sexy Frankenstein! She and her assistant Ninjettigor could be making the perfect monster man for themselves.

Frank Innes

I've got a friend who'd go ape if there was some kind of Tokyo Ghoul riff but that might be a bit too obscure a ref for a significant chunk of the Emp audience. A vampiric supersuit/bats/splattery blood transforming thing might work, which is obviously a Hellsing bit, but people will get the vampire ref regardless of specific knowledge.

e-reptile disfunction

you've done nothing with Yummy Mummy? Maybe a pin-up with someone unwrapping her? Thugboy in a Gillman suit (He ordered a Ghillie suit, dammit) with Emp in a bathing suit and shape of water fantasies on her mind.


Emp attacked by an animal skinning bondage crazed jason guy or gal (or leatherfaced person)