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Behold, the work stages for a wacky li'l page from the upcoming Empowered vol.12 that's a tribute to both the 70s classic flick The Golden Voyage of Sinbad from my childhood and the 1989 Atsuji Yamamoto manga Sinbad from my young adulthood. As you'll see in a future installment of Vintage Con Sketches, I've previously done a few commissions based on Yamamoto's costume designs, which I suspect in turn were inspired by Caroline Munro's impressive outfits from Golden Voyage. 

UPDATE: Tacked on an excepted compilation image worked up for a tweet promoting this post. Yay!

The finished page and initial rough are pretty straightforward, but the last two images in the gallery might need some clarification. See, after I've worked up a viable rough...

... I then lightboard that rough onto the final sheet of art board (which is actually some fancy 28lb "presentation copy paper") and tighten up the transferred rough into an "underdrawing" set of fairly faint H-lead pencils, which I'll then tighten up in turn with 5B pencils, Pitt artist pen inks and so on.

Here's what the lightly penciled underdrawing actually looks like, unprocessed:

...and here's a version clarified for your viewing pleasure by Photoshop level tweaking:

For the record, I use this approach for every Empowered page, but because I do so on a one-panel-at-a-time basis, I rarely record what the underdrawing stage looks like. This particular "single panel page" (or "splash page," perhaps?) was handled differently, hence the intermediate scan I made.

A fun page, gotta say; in fact, I might even expand the sequence a bit, as Emp and Ninjette do indeed look pretty darn cute in "harem girl" outfits.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Prrrrrrobably some Life Drawing, though I'm not quite sure about that at the moment.



Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Those outfits sure do work for the girls, I have to agree 👀 librarian outfit has some competition now!


I need to come up with some more things to say besides "cool," "awsome," and "love it" BUT.... this looks cool and awesome and I love it. Thanks for sharing, Adam!

Lex of Excel

I'm guessing this might take place later in the story, given how nonplussed Emp seems at yet another change in setting. Curse that censor bar~!


I approve of more tributes...flash gordon...old school kung fu..the ideas


Yeah, I tried to run the photo through some tools to see if there was a way to see under the redacted part, but all I got was "Be Sure To Drink Your Ovaltine"


Now here's an elseworld worth a side-issue someday... :)


A lush page with a ton of fun details, too. Kozue seems to really be digging Emp in a harem-girl outfit. Thugboy's having a good time, too. Gotta say, this image is giving off a lot of OT3 energy...


Thugboy getting a cheek-full, lucky bastard! I cannot state how much I enjoy seeing progress posts like this, this is so inspiring for me.


And chestful! Look at his eyes in the sketch lol