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Behold, a bunch of loose sketch sets featuring the "civilian Emp alter ego" variation from Empowered vol. 12 that I've dubbed "Fetchingly Bepantsed Emp (with Bonus Eyeglasses)", akin to some earlier DiD sketch sets seen here. (Note that, in the linked post, I also described this variant as "Extra Voluptuous", but that's arguably a tad redundant given how I full-figured I draw Emp nowadays.)

You probably can't quite make out Bepantsed Emp's sketchily rendered captor in the first set above...

...but that's actually the Luna Ghost from the first live-action Scooby-Doo movie, as solicited in a recent Bigger-Spenders-tier art-request sketch set, which I'll excerpt below:

I noodled around with a further set of Fetchingly Bepantsed Emp (with Bonus Eyeglasses) sketches, as I might feature her more in Empowered vol. 12; note that I switched "FBEwBE" over to shiny (silk?) underpants because, well, that works better in my rather limited rendering scheme:

Note, however, that this set's poses were traced from an earlier, even looser bunch of sketches featuring a supersuited Emp in distress:

As is the saving grace of quickly sketched DiD sets like the one above, I was already able to scavenge some of the poses for use in actual Empowered pages, as seen in panel 2 of the vol. 12 "deathtrap" page below:

And note also that two different poses from the original sketch set were reused in the earlier vol. 12 page below, as seen with the first two "distressed Emp" images:

(Yyyyyyeah, I wasn't kidding about the "Extra Voluptuous" tag for modern-era Emp arguably being redundant.)

Anyhoo, there ya go; gotta say, I'm arguably more fond of drawing Fetchingly Bepantsed Emp than the similarly eyeglassed Sexy Librarian Emp that she's descended from, probably due to the latter's more complex costume. (Your Mileage May Vary in terms of preference, of course.)

Jeez, come to think of it, I don't think I've yet worked a Sexy Librarian cameo into Empowered vol. 12, which is otherwise jampacked with Emp variations. Yikes!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, probably more "Robot Comic" layouts, I'd imagine.




I think I may be confused between bepantsed vs depanstsed.


Well, technically "Pantsed Emp" would be more accurate (and clearer), but I used a bit of rococo Demonwolfish flair with the more convoluted "Bepantsed."


FBE does seem marginally more curvy than Standard Superheroine Emp, but they are on converging courses, yep. And as far as Librarian Emp, I have to vote with Thugboy on that one.


Oh wow what a great selection! I was wondering if we were going to see a return of Lingerie Librarian Emp sometime soon - finger's crossed she makes a cameo!


TBH, I'd forgotten about that Emp variation; will look into including her at some point!


Your Distressed Damsels stuff is always amazing.


No worries if you can't squeeze that variation in!


I can't get past how much I love angry Emp's face in the last page. The rest are amazing too!


The visible nipples really help sell Emp's embarrassment over the suit...and are quite fetching. I guess you could say they're part of the plot!