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Here are the initial pose rough, cover rough, pencils, inks & color guides for my character-packed cover for the recently released Empowered Omnibus vol.3, which compiles regular Empowered volumes 7-9 in honkin' big TPB form.  (Of course, this cover was originally done for the out-of-print Empowered Deluxe vol.3, which compiled the same material along with a whole lotta bonus material in a limited-edition hardcover collection.)

UPDATE: Tacked on a comparative montage I worked up for announcing this post on Twitter. (Maybe I should put it up on Instagram, which I've not gone near in months.)

I vaguely recall getting a wee bit o' crap in some quarters for the fact that this illo's main Emp figure clearly depicts her physique in the softer, heavier, fuller-figured mode that began kicking in during Empowered vol. 9 (and bloomed in earnest through the next three volumes). Whoops!

NEXT MONDAY ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, probably the Distressed Damsels post (for the $5+ tiers) that I'd originally intended for today's slot; alas, I wasn't able to scan some recent sketch sets of "Fetchingly Bepantsed Emp (with Bonus Eyeglasses)" in time for this morning. (Am hacking away at an unusually time-consuming Empowered vol. 12 page today, hence this hastily thrown-together post.)



Ross Fisher-Davis

I like that Emp started to become a little heavier. Gave me the subtext impression that she was becoming more self-confidant, less playing to other people's wants of her above her own.


It's a testament to the character designs that I can recall not just the names of nearly every single headshot on the cover, but the scenes they were in and what they were doing. That's vivid. And Emp's looking like she's developed a little good muscle from all the training and combat she's had to do over the last several months, but still kept her bodacious curves. Nice.


Very cool. About how many hours go into making an illustration like this?


A lot! Usually takes most of an entire workweek, but I've never remembered to keep an exact track of the worktime spent. (I'm doing that now with a stopwatch on EMP12, and the truth is stark and dismaying...)


That doesn't surprise me, it's apparent you put a ton of energy into your work! Hopefully when Vol 12 comes out I'll remember to ask how long it took.