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Behold, folks, an exclusive Patreon preview (with bonus page roughs!) featuring one of Empowered vol.12's wilder and wackier scenes—namely, a sequence recasting the series' cast as fantasy RPG characters! (Note that this is from the same source that the book's back-cover illo is derived from.) 

Originally I'd planned to show "Elven Paladin Emp" crossing over with the adventuring party seen in both nascent projects Hushed Half-Elf and Party of Two, but I instead opted to use Empowered's main cast as FRPG iterations, which I think was a better narrative choice.

So, who's your favorite Emp RPG variation? Personally, I'm especially fond of obnoxiously flirty Devilspawn Bard Hannah (aka Mindf**k), though I like Goblin Kozue a heckuva lot as well, which is why they both wound up on the volume's back cover.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: The new "M/W/F+" posting schedule has kicked in with a non-fixed selection of  posts, so who knows what the heck I might post next? (Alas, you have to  be subscribed to the $5+ Patron tiers to get the full M/W/F treatment every week of the month.)



Dave Van Domelen

Picturing a crossover with Adventure Finders....


Love it, do you have a release date for vol. 12 yet?


You just know devil-bard Hannah does this _all the time_ to her GF. And given the t-shirts he's been spotted wearing in the past, you know Thugboy has to have a long, hidden history of RPG campaigns under his belt. I hope Emp is ready for the deep levels of hardcore nerdery this group is going to whip out.


Very cool, volume 12 is gonna be the best comic ever!

Ross Fisher-Davis

These are absolutely adorable and I definitely love goblin Ninjette

Lex of Excel

Is Elissa's title Honeyrump??? Also is that a certain devourer of gods I see stomping into the fight?


Devilspawn Bard Hannah for me!

TF Commando

The freakiest thing about all this is seeing Thugboy referred to by his real name.

Dean Reilly

Hey, that's the same Vorpal Sword from vol 8!

Joshua Wolfe

Goblin Ninja Kozue is just perfect


When Emp is just as confused as the rest of us, that's when you know something big's going on!

Dave Van Domelen

Note about the webcomic reposts: when the system is glitchy and won't let you paste commentary, have you tried pasting it in as a comment instead? Then just type "Glitch is back, commentary in the comments."


A solid suggestion but, TBH, I'm not interested in getting a Disqus account or entering into the comments section, period. The issue, really, is more about my (arguably not all that essential) daily Patreon paste-ins and links, which I could probably just leave off when the glitch strikes, then roll with "off-the-dome" commentary text written without any paste-ins.


I'm in complete agreement with you, Bard Hannah and Goblin Kozue are my favorites!