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Wellp, I'm down to the last few Dirty Pair--nay, Rose & Lily DiD commissions drawn for a generous friend, circa the early 2000s, in what was obviously the proto-Empowered B&W comic format.

Pity that I screwed myself by drawing Kei & Y**i-based damsels, as I theoretically might've been able to publish these comics elsewhere if the heroines looked unlike my licensed iteration of the DP. As is, these suckers will remain Patreon-exclusive for the foreseeable future.

This time around, concluding from our previous installment, a now-unarmed "Lily" finds herself bedamseled by another, seemingly inexplicable iteration of the brain(chip)-damaged but terminally horny "Smileybot" from the last few issues of 1990-91's miniseries Dirty Pair: A Plague of Angels

In retrospect, not sure why 20-Years-Ago-Me didn't start the scene off with Lily already gagged and/or restrained, as I clearly didn't feel like writing her up any dialogue. (I leave it to the reader to work up a No-Prize rationale for her rather puzzling lack of speech.) 

Anyhoo, that's all the scans I have for this typically inconclusive commission, though I'm fairly sure that roughs exist for at least another page or two; couldn't dig up said roughs in time for today's post, alas. I'll post those if and/or when I find 'em, okay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Bigger Spenders of the $10 and $20 tiers, stand by for your monthly exclusive bonus post later today! 'Twill be a combo of CSP art-req sets—including an especially fetching DiD image of "Fetchingly Bepantsed Emp (with Bonus Eyeglasses)"—and a work-stage sneak preview of Empowered vol.12's opening title spread, which I need to finish up during today's morning work shift. And now, to the drawing table!




This is why the Real Kei carries a heftier pistol, Lily. This is like trying to take on a tank with an AK. My No-Prize idea is Lily is not making any outward noise because she's frantically calling for 'ANYBODY!' on her internal comlink. And woof, Lily has _definitely_ not been skipping leg and derrière day! Adding that to my headcanon of 'Rose & Lily's literal job is to be hot, easy-to-capture bait/distractions for people trying to grab the real Lovely Angels', and being in super-hot shape is an actual requirement of their contracts.


I have a goofier no-prize idea. Lily isn't speaking because she isn't in this scene at all. Remember, Smiley Robots have a holocopy function, but as far as I can tell from plague of angels, that doesn't disguise their speech. So, what we have here is one Smileybot chasing a second Smileybot disguised as Lily, who's staying quiet to avoid tipping off Bot 1 that the whole thing is a ruse, presumably to lure Bot 1 into a trap or out of the way.


"But what're a few error messages?" cracks me up. As a software engineer my amusement is a blend of equal parts horror at the idea of any error message and apathy because "Log it and I'll fix it when it's a problem." I'll miss Rose & Lily when you go through your commissions. Seeing their exploits and playing "What If..." in the comments about their adventures as deliciously dolled-up derring-do doppelgängers has been a hoot. :-)