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Been quite a while since I've done a Vintage Con Sketches post; the only one in August was an Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the Bigger Spenders* of the $10 and $20 tiers, alas.

Anyhoo, I've broken out the big binder of photocopies from my "Golden Age" of con commissions and started scanning 'em. (Which is why you haven't seen any in a while, as I've burned off all the already scanned pieces on my hard drives.)

The illos above, drawn on linen-finish cardstock as was my wont 20-odd years ago (ouch), are:

*Demona from the animated series Gargoyles, presumably; never saw it, so I'll have to trust the label I wrote on the piece.

*Brianna from Fred Perry's epic comic series Gold Digger.

*Seung Mina from the fighting videogame Soul Calibur. (Spelled Seong Mi-Na according to most of the wikis, but the "Seung" spelling seems to pop up occasionally.)

*Tina from the fighting videogame Dead or Alive, drawn as a fairly blatant copy of my own take on Caitlin Fairchild from Gen13 because no one could stop me. (IIRC, the cat outfit was an unlockable costume in the game.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Due to the reshuffled and semi-randomized order of the "M/W/F+"  schedule, who knows what type of post might be next?

*UPDATE: Speaking of the Bigger Spenders, I'll be camped out waiting in a hospital parking lot this morning and/or afternoon, so I'm hoping to whittle away at a few more of your outstanding art requests in CSP on the ol' iPad. Yay!




Cool stuff! Speaking of con sketches, you planning on turning up at Baltimore, or is the ongoing plague making things too Kei 'N Yuri Conesque for your liking?


Conveniently, midriffs are back in fashion in 2021!


I'm completely outta the loop on the con circuit, alas; didn't even know Baltimore was coming up. Got a wedding and some other weekend activities lined in October anyway, so attending likely wouldn't have been a possibility regardless.


OK, enjoy the wedding! Keep us all posted on any future opportunities to buy commissions/originals/etc.


Yarr, def noticed it this summer. Perhaps it's a slightly different cut of midriff from 2001 https://nygal.com/midriff/


I can confirm. I've seen a few walking around town. Nature is healing