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Yeahp, just like it says on the tin (or the post title), here are my work stages for Empowered vol.3's cover illustration, including a very different initial rough that wound up having its Emp pose repurposed for vol.5's cover illo. Gosh!

Note the unusual jpeg of the cover's finished pencils, which is a work stage I rarely bother to scan before moving on to inking the piece. Enjoy?

Final colors on the piece by Lee Duhig of the fine coloring studio Guru eFX. Great work, Lee!

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: More Vintage Con Sketches, I'd suspect!



Kevin J. Maroney

Once nice artifact of having the finished, uncolored pencils is that it gives a clear demonstration of how the white outline around Emp in the colors makes her pop from the very full background.


That first draft didn't look too bad...but other that nice see another behind-the-scenes process


I like how 'crowded' the backgrounds are getting, and how much of the story is literally right there up front once you know what to look for.