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(You can check out the previous installment of this story here.)

Wellp, I'm down to the last few commissioned DiD stories in proto-EMPOWERED format, folks! This one's from 2003 or thereabouts, based on a simple request from a very generous friend in a time of great financial need* for Yrs Truly: Dirty Pair's Kei pitted against a fairly generic Jungle Girl in a cheesecake-intensive struggle session!

This incomplete episode wound up being surprisingly ambitious by its inconclusive ending (twenty-odd pages hence), though these early pages aren't all that demanding or detailed. At least Kei—or, here, "Dandelion Hair"—gets to put up rather more of a fight than most of the (possibly simulated) Bondageverse DP iterations. Gotta admit that cramming some form of action into these DiD commissions made 'em a lot more interesting to me as an artist, as just drawing damsel-y poses gets boring in a hurry.

*Yeahp, during yet another low point, earnings-wise, in My Brilliant Career in comics. Kinda like the last few years, come to think of it! Ouch. (Recently occurred to me that the last 30 years of said Brilliant Career have mainly consisted of such discouraging low points interspersed with a disproportionately smaller number of high points that spring more readily to mind. Ouch again!)

A few words:

Behold, some actual fight choreography. Golly!

I didn't give Generic Jungle Girl any dialogue because, well, I didn't feel like figuring out much about her character or speech pattern. I was getting paid to deliver some DiD cheesecake, and just wanted to knock these pages out as rapidly as possible. (Later on, as I mentioned, I got way more ambitious with the art and storytelling.)

In a never-to-be-published DP "story" like this, I clearly felt much more free to to emphasize Distressverse Kei's, ah, "boing boing," if I might borrow the highly technical term used by the Hololive EN folks.

I haven't the slightest idea WTF Kei is "saying" in panel 1 above. Note also that Generic Jungle Girl sports an actual thong (more or less), which is something I very rarely draw, for reasons I should probably explain someday.

Next time around, the tables are turned yet again! (Lotta tables in this jungle, for some reason.)

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH! Might be a few sketch sets from this month's unusually high number of $20-tier art requests, assuming I can finish any tonight. Or I might show some fresh-off-the-drawing-board Empowered vol.12 pages, if I can find any non-SPOILER-y ones.



Matthew Rogers

Kei being a bondage badass is the trope I live for.

Ross Fisher-Davis

Why Adam doesn't draw thongs is going to be one of those mysteries that never gets answered, like Were-giraffe-by-night


You know, I'm used to "Fapp" being used as an onomatopoeia for, well, something a gentleman might do with a free hand whilst thinking of Kei's "boing boing", so I always find it a bit amusing seeing you use that particular sound effect.


Why do I feel like a bound and gagged Kei shooting from behind her back is peak Kei? As if there is no better image that captures the dichotomies of her essence -- the archetypal image of a helpless woman combined with the agency and machismo of a 1980's action hero -- than this panel. This single panel reminds us not to trust our own eyes.


That may well have been whimsical japery, as (nowadays, at least) I would normally use FWAPP instead; then again, this story might actually predate the modern meaning of the term. (IIRC, Miller did use FAPP for Mat Murdock hitting a punching bag in DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN.)


I just went and looked up the etymology, and FWIW, Dictionary.com says that phrase(spelled "fap", so you do in fact have plausible deniability) dates back to late 80s manga translations. "Fap is first credited to an English translation of a scene from the Japanese manga Heartbroken Angels (Kizudarake no Tenshitachi) by Masahiko Kikuni, a series which ran from 1988–1991. The manga was known for its absurd situations and characters, and in it, fap itself appears in a scene where God is masturbating while looking up a girl’s skirt as she climbs a ladder to escape"


Good stuff. I'm a big fan of the DiD scenarios that still manage to include action.


Kei manages to look incredibly hot this entire sequence. This is some top-quality cheescake, sir.