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Recently unearthed these Dirty Pair character design sheets for Yuri, which date back to 1998 or so, around the time of the Start the Violence story originally serialized in Dark Horse Presents. (You can check out the Kei designs here.) 

NOTE TO PATREON TRUST & SAFETY TEAM: Yuri is this character's name, okay? This post contains no (uncapitalized) "yuri" hentai material and/or "seemingly underage characters in the context of adult entertainment," per the automatic message that pops up every g-d time I mention the character's name.

The notes on the designs seem to suggest that they're for another artist's reference, which might mean that they were part of one of my many, many failed attempts to get someone beside myself approved to draw Dirty Pair (based off my scripting). 

This design sheet below was definitely used as reference for the DP statue commissioned by Dark Horse:

Check out that vertical gray smear running down the center of the page, which indicates that I ran it through my long-defunct fax machine in the bygone era when I had neither Photoshop nor email.

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: Time for s'more Vintage Con Sketches!




In ‘verse, I wouldn’t be surprised if people censor Kei and Yuri’s names not because of any obscene implications, but for the same reason one doesn’t run around casually invoking Hastur or quoting favorite lines from the King in Yellow. Also, if you’re going to get shit from Patreon either way, you might as well just go ahead and post Yuri yuri. I mean, Fatal but Not Serious not only had implied background Yuri yuri, but it also came very close to having Yuri x Yuri yuri, what with the XTC gun and all, especially since O’Briens Law says that the only two meaningful things you can do when encountering your clone are fight to the death or screw, so it’s canonically respectable. Hell, trying that might have saved Yuri from Yuri, since it would have taken up time and produced noise, which might have lead to a presumably very confused and probably at least moderately aroused Kei interrupting Yuri and Yuri’s yuri funtime in time to collar the clone Yuri before any more mischief could happen. Sun would still be doomed, though. Since Yuri can also be a boy’s name in Slavic parts, if one is, for instance, a fan of the Command and Conquer series of games or the Yuri!!! on Ice anime, one might have a sporting interest in Yuri yaoi(canon in Yuri!!! On Ice) or even Yuri x Yuri yaoi(Command and Conquer has Yuri clones, and Yuri!!! on Ice has multiple characters named Yuri), and if a crossover is in play, one could also have Yuri x Yuri that is neither yuri nor yaoi. Suck it, Trust and Safety.

TF Commando

The Dark Horse statue of the Dirty Pair was fantastic. The action figures were... kind of lacking in comparison. Did you provide them any model sheets or input on the latter?


Not directly. I did plenty of designs and sketches for the statue, which I'd assume were the basis for the figures; I had no involvement in the latter, for good or ill.


Critically important to get the buns right, yes. ;)


Whelp, this is like the fourth time in a row something weird and bad has happened shortly after I made snide remarks at the expense of the Lovely Angels. Had some weirdo try to mug me earlier this evening(I'm ok, the guy was just some weirdo who followed me around making flagrantly bullshit threats.). So, for the record, I unreservedly apologize for in any way implying that either Kei or Yuri are eldritch entities, and for any excessive lewdness in my remarks earlier.