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Behold, s'more sketch sets based on Patron art requests from various tiers. No time to go into detail on any of these, but I should say that the first set above features a Patron's OC and Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo cosplaying "my" version of Dirty Pair. (And, of course, that's the half-orc from Party of Two in the second set, along with a work-in-progress screen cap.)

Also, sad to say that all of these were drawn in the familiar old Clip Studio Paint iPad app, as I've still not hooked up my new Cintiq to my new PC, let alone downloaded an up-to-date version of CSP. (Oh, well.)






Your Shantae is so cute, I love her. Thank you so much for drawing her!

K. D. Bryan

HA! I am extremely amused by your being kind enough to honor my Grunkle Stan request! Thanks so much! :) I'll have to toss out another unsexy idea for next month, if just to keep giving you some respite from all the cheesecake.


*bows* Thanks for drawing my request...and nice work on all the others as well...


Thanks for drawing Odessa. She looks really adorable in that maid outfit. Also that Grunkle Stan is amazing.


Roger & Dorothy!!! Nice to see Ryoko, too.


I love the 'WTH is this shit?' look on the half-orc's face, and Emp's discomfort at having 'the girls' compressed by real armor. R. Dorothy and Roger look good, too.

Sepia Maplewood

Why can I hear this Grunkle Stan?