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Wellp, now that I've cleared out all of the $10 and $20 tier's May art requests,  time to get things a-rollin' with you fine folks of the $5 tier! Certainly can't promise I'll do all of 'em (as I'm pretty sure I did with the higher tiers), but I'll do my best to address any that especially catch my fancy. 

As before, the focus for these pieces and sketch sets will be on Clip Studio Paint digital-art tests—but, as I'm hoping to (finally) unbox my giant-ass Cintiq tonight and hook it up to the Hot New PC Build downstairs, this time they won't be drawn on the iPad CSP app.

So fire away with any character suggestions or situation requests you might have, oh 135-odd $5 folks! Could my own characters, or other people's characters, or more iterations of material I've already drawn here. Single-character suggestions would be strongly appreciated, BTW, as I had a vexing number of two- or even three-character(!) requests from the other tiers.

Side note: If you have a DiD request, can you possibly gimme an alternate, non-DiD character or situation? Gotta say, at present I'm having a tough time dragging myself through sketching random DiD pics, which don't do much for me as an artist right now; in fact, Empowered exists in large part because I became bored with drawing distressing pin-ups!

UPDATE: As I'm developing the fantasy RPG romantic/sex comedy Party of Two at present, any suggestions involving the fetching half-orc cleric or her cantankerous dwarven companion would be very welcome indeed! (This does, of course, constitute an exception to the "single-character suggestions" bit from the previous paragraph.)

Thanks for your generous support, and have a good weekend! 



Always a fan of the X-Men's Rogue in her Jim Lee outfit.


Emp with a mask on doing a Stay Clean PSA


What might the cleric wear (or not wear) during her religion's rituals?


In honor of her new game coming out, would you be willing to draw a Shantae? Reference: https://s1.gaming-cdn.com/images/products/6774/orig/shantae-and-the-seven-sirens-cover.jpg

Nobilis Reed (personal)

A mature woman dressed in Japanese schoolgirl cosplay, slapping a tentacle away, and saying "Not without my consent!"


Party of two half orc trying on some extremely impractical bikini armour while dwarf looks on hopefully


Gina Carano like a Half-Orc Warrior!

Joe Crawford

Emp fangirling over Astro Boy!

Luke McKinney

Party of Two both wearing Dirty Pair uniforms, and reacting :) ANGRY SHINY DWARF


Roger Smith or Dorothy Wayneright from Big O.


For years I was wondering what was this "winged AG" design Emp and others wore on t-shirts and hoodies. Just a few days ago I learned it was a logo of Awesome Girl. Who is/was she? Can we have a drawing of her?


How about the Party of Two characters in Sword Art Online garb?

David Stanley

How about the Green Lantern Jessica Cruz?

Thos. Merchant

Ocelotina recreating some classic Bettie Page poses?

Stuart Little

Estel Aguirre from Streets of Rage 4 https://streetsofrage.fandom.com/wiki/Estel_Aguirre

Frank Innes

If you feel like giving someone else's stuff a background element, any fossil you fancy in a cave wall perhaps? (Like half the rest of the world I'm too deep into Animal Crossing currently and it's rekindled the ol' dinosaur fascination a bit!)

Ross Fisher-Davis

Well I adore the new half-orc, and would love to see more of her (literally and figuratively!) So how about her clothing so battle damaged she's having to sheepishly hide herself with her hands

Dave Van Domelen

Yuri getting payback on a Pint-Sized Ninja.


Haven't seen enough Hushed Half-Elf lately, would love to see her mage girl friend casting some magic with her books (I love her so much).


Shasti might be nice


Got half of that req already covered, as you’ll see in tomorrow’s sketch dump!


Will likely work that into a PARTY sketch set or post down the road, with a look at the old adventuring party.

K. D. Bryan

I tried to think of the total opposite of a "damsel in distress" and came up with an extremely unrestrained old man! In that vein, how about a drawing of Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls?


Think I’ve done at least a dozen or more Rogue con sketches over the years, including some “Vintage” ones from the early 2000s; will likely do an an all-Rogue post collecting at least some of ‘em on an upcoming Friday.

Jack Hallows (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 05:00:44 finally the website works, i send you the pic on the PM, ^___ my friends OC from his D&D game
2020-05-19 04:17:48 finally the website works, i send you the pic on the PM, ^___ my friends OC from his D&D game

finally the website works, i send you the pic on the PM, ^___ my friends OC from his D&D game

The Silver Socialist

Emp and Ocelotina inducted into the anti-Life Fiber militia "Nudist Beach" from Kill x Kill.