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Behold, s'more material from Party of Two, the fantasy RPG romantic/ sex comedy I'm developing in my spare time.

First up is a somewhat random idea I had early in the week for a quick sketch set that instead turned into an unexpectedly grueling and time-consuming art ordeal:

See, back in my "life drawing every day" era of a few years ago, I used to do dance-based sets featuring many poses per page. I thought I'd try such a set featuring Party of Two's half-orc heroine performing a well-known TikTok dance to Doja Cat's "Say So," a shockingly catchy song that seemed quite thematically relevant to my project. (In fact, I've considered sketching the half-orc in a number of Doja's many flamboyant outfits from the linked music video.)

I started out with a few hand-drawn roughs of poses from part of the TikTok "Say So" dance:

...then realized I needed more images to convey even this brief snippet of dancing:

Then I booted up the Clip Studio Paint app and started work on a finished version of the idea. Below, you can see my iPad in split-screen mode, with the TikTok dance as reference on the left:

BTW, on the "Say So" front, here's a link to an obnoxiously adorable Japanese-language cover of the song by an Indonesian YouTuber. (She uses a cleaned-up version of the lyrics, however, so we'll never learn how the hell you would translate that one Doja line about "body-ody, ass & titties" into Japanese.)

Next up are the first three pages of roughs for a much longer Party of Two story, as our couple faces the threat of a familiar D&D monster:

TO BE CONTINUED at some point, I imagine.

In page 3, I belatedly figured out something interesting—that is, in a medieval civilization with no access to recording technology, folks would presumably be unaware that their own voices would sound quite different as heard by others. (Okay, a D&D world would have access to magic that could function like recording tech, but I believe that my point still stands.)

Finally, did a quick sketch set based on pics from a not-that-bad Western book of fantasy-oriented photography:

Gotta say, my big problem with contemplating the drawing of a fantasy-based comic is that I have very little in the way of imagination or patience in rendering all the wee details and accessories of RPG-ish clothing and gear, which is one reason why the couple from Party of Two cavort about half-nekkid. (In-universe rationale is that the dwarf is a D&D Barbarian- class PC who uses the Unarmored Defense bit; the half-orc Cleric can wear armor, but might only gear up when certain of battle, and her Domain doesn't allow profiency in heavier armor types.) 

I definitely need to find some kinda resource online for such ref, as I just can't make out much detail in printed photoreference, given my deteriorating eyesight. I'm not at all interested in truly realistic European medieval fashions and gear (beyond weaponry and some armor types), but will likely go the Japanese route of unlikely and wildly anachronistic fashions selected just 'cause they look neat, or would theoretically be interesting to draw. 

Anyhoo, that's your Party of Two update for the week, folks. Note: As my Hot New PC Build finally arrived from California this week, I'll be setting up the new Cintiq and workstation shortly, to kick off the next step in my journey into the realm of digital art. I'll very likely be drawing a lot more Party-oriented material in the weeks and months to come as I mess around with further Clip Studio Paint tools and techniques. Huzzah!

Monday on this here Patreon: Life drawing yet again!




Congrats on getting your PC stuff !!! Huzzaaaah !!!


Every new image of this half-orc cleric you share just makes me love her even more. Therefore, my cup runneth over after today’s post. Best of luck getting your rig up and running!

TF Commando

"Gotta say, my big problem with contemplating the drawing of a fantasy-based comic is that I have very little in the way of imagination or patience in rendering all the wee details and accessories of RPG-ish clothing and gear," You could say that magic defense items like Bracers of Defense and Rings of Protection are very easily made in the world, with even village mages and clerics able to steadily churn them out. A heavy armor type like a Paladin would have a helmet and shoulder pads and gloves to suggest plate. I think that's the rationale for the look of Final Fantasy VII and later, where almost no one has visible armor, or even sleeves. The armor is just a bangle or bracer.

Dean Reilly

Just set it in a hot climate where heavy armour is considered impractical.


I signed up today, specifically for this half-orc goodness! ADORBS. My half-orc cleric is my favorite PC, although she is a tad more belligerent. 🤣🥰😍🙌


Thanks much! Most of the half-orcness can be found under the “Party of Two” hashtag, but the very earliest pieces with her predate that title; I’ll try to go back and edit the hashtag onto those posts sometime. Meanwhile, 12 more PARTY pages coming up on Thursday and Friday!