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Yet again, I'm doubling up with this week's set of life drawings from random photoref. (Someday I'll have to downgrade to a single piece per post, but my buffer of these pieces remains reasonably large.)  First above is a set from July 2018, while the second set is an example from January 2017, still fairly early on in the effort.    

Below, enjoy(?) the higher-res, raw and untweaked grayscale scans as PSD attachments.  




The shading is so nice!!


Female figure top right pg 1 really looks like she was under bright light when you sketched it. Very nice shading to capture that.

Joshua Wolfe

It's interesting you point out the crease in the skin. It is one of the differences between comics and photos I notice. Comic artists, even ones with solid grasp of anatomy, will often forget how the skin bunches up on the sides of the torso when you bend certain ways.