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Behold, kindly Patrons, a Party of Two story in wee, quad-thumbnail-rough form, which tells the kinda-sorta "origin story" of how the half-orc cleric and dwarf barbarian first went from being just platonic fellow adventurers to becoming incessantly boinking "adventurers with benefits."

I roughed out the story in familiar "quad thumbnail" format with four pages per 8.5" X 11" sheet of paper, but as those suckers are nigh unreadable on smaller devices, I cropped 'em to individual pages for your reading convenience. (The original-format quad layouts bookend the cropped ones in the gallery above, you'll notice.)

Interestingly, this is the first time I've ever laid out a story in this wee format, as usually I have to sketch the initial roughs at a much larger size before translating 'em back down to teeny thumbnails. This approach went surprisingly well, so I'll likely try this again down the road.

As I honestly have no idea if I'll draw Party of Two myself—let alone how I would do so, as I'm a lllllooonnnggg ways off from having a viable-for-reproduction digital art technique—for the time being I'm leaving this story in its current form.

For the record, Party of Two is in fact intended to be a romantic/ sex comedy, but this story wound up verging into Big Emo tearjerking territory, much to my own surprise. Or should I have been surprised?  Anyhoo, in the manner of Empowered, I wrote this story on a page-by-page basis with only a vague overall outline in mind, and the topic of the couple's potentially tragic religious differences arose spontaneously.

Speaking of surprises, folks...

...you might not be able to tell from the wee sketches, but that is indeed the future Hushed Half-Elf and her eventual mage girlfriend in the couple's adventuring party, back in a time before the half-elf was magically cursed with bondage—and, obvsly, before those two hooked up as well. (And, for the D&D-5e-familiar, their party also included a Kenku and a Tiefling.)

And here's my usual spiel for Party of Two

HE is a fierce, axe-swinging dwarf barbarian, manfully cultivating the stoic hardheadedness, bloodthirsty rage, and apocalyptic worldview required of a valiant but furiously death-seeking warrior bound for Valhalla—and soon.

SHE is a half-orc cleric worshipping a goddess of (tough) love, a good-natured healer whose relentless warmth, sweetness and affection—and horniness!—inadvertently but constantly undermines her dwarven partner's dogged attempts at steely discipline and coldblooded detachment. 

Can this starcrossed pair of dungeon-raiding, hanky-pankying monster slayers ever become more than just "adventurers with benefits?" Find out in Party of Two, folks! 

Monday on this here Patreon: More life drawing sketch sets, as usual!




The D-Wrek

Wow, what a fun read. The “...my loving will feel angry in tone” line made me legit gulp, heh. I strongly look forward to their further adventures/boinking. <3 Any word on potential interested parties to take on the art duties should you not do so yourself?


Good read,can't wait to find out the quirks of the rest of the party....


I love this mini story bit. Look forward to more.

Wayne W

Please tell me Karla Diaz is on the shortlist of possible guest artists for this if you don't draw it yourself.

TF Commando

Maybe it's a terrible idea, but have you considered a sort of fantasy omnibus approach? Party of Two, Hushed Half-Elf, maybe the story of the whole party before the events in the former two as a more "straight" adventure... all in one book?


Love it! Hope to see more of theirs adventures. For me it's another instance of "came for sex, stayed for complex character interactions" ;)


That was a lot of fun as an intro to these two. Sets up the characters in a cute, fun way, offers an expanded universe around them (and a fun way to keep the hushed half-elf characters around as options) too. Would greatly enjoy seeing some shorts or more with this crew between any future Empowered projects!

Sabrina Pandora

I am so very onboard for this. I hope you figure it out :)


I'm eagerly ready to fund this via Kickstarter or such.


Pleease draw it yourself! I can wait for Empowered to finish