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Wellp, as we head into the last days of April, I'd best get belatedly crackin' on the next cycle of art requests for you fine folks of the $5 tier! Been a hellishly busy and real-world-complicated month, so I'm not sure how many of your suggestions I'll be able to cover in the next few days, but I'll try my best in my (largely nonexistent) free time. 

Note that I'll likely be popping 'em into the "six fan arts hashtag" format, because why the heck not?

As before, the focus for these pieces and sketch sets will be on Clip Studio Paint digital-art tests, but continuing (in theory, at least) the two-pronged approach I started back in February:

1) First, while I'm quite comfortable sketching and drawing roughs in CSP, I am nowhere near having a viable art technique for finished, printable comic pages and illos. None of the app's default brushes for pencils or inks can deliver the linework quality I'm looking for, so clearly I need to experiment with new brushes, whether from CSP's add-on capabilities or via third-party "brush providers" like Frenden. So, you'll likely see me messing around with wildly varying new brushes in art-request sketch dumps this month.

2) While I'm still on the hunt for "final art" brushes, in the meantime I also need to start experimenting with CSP's tools for comic-page production. So, you'll probably see sketch dumps formatted as faux comic pages, or speed lines gracing random illos, or screen-tone tests on headshots, or Lord knows what else. Gotta familiarize myself with the full CSP toolset, y'see, as I approach the point of "going whole hog with the digital," a process which I'll address in more detail later. 

So fire away with any character suggestions or situation requests you might have, oh $5 masses! Could my own characters, or other people's characters, or more iterations of material I've already drawn here. 

UPDATE: As I'm already working on developing the fantasy RPG romantic/sex comedy Party of Two at present, any suggestions involving the fetching half-orc cleric or her cantankerous dwarven companion would be very welcome indeed! 

Thanks for your generous support, and have a good one, folks! 



Maybe a Delicious In Dungeon rip where they’re trying to get some supper but supper turns on them? “You said you wanted eggs!!!” “Basilisks lay eggs!!!”


How about the party of two characters in some Record of Lodoss War poses like https://img.discogs.com/diWPQYNV0p3PO8aq0Zsu71q_Rqk=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-10899242-1506182066-5056.jpeg.jpg Or


I love that idea. Delicious in Dungeon is a great comic!


I loved the Rey you did and would love to see more of her or any Star Wars fan art!

Wayne W

A half-orc, dwarf, and gelatinous cube walk into a tavern...

e-reptile disfunction

Dwarf Wielding his GF as a hand-and-a-half-orc after she's been petrified/paralized?

Andrew Dederer

A "Swimsuit Special" piece for the couple. She looks like she doesn't need assistance, while he looks like most fantasy dwarves. As Joel Rosenberg once said, the "only way you can make a Dwarf float is with a couple scoops of ice cream and some root beer". That is he sinks like a stone.

Thos. Merchant

Scrape is in charge of maintenance at the nearby castle. They have to throw the drinks at him. Her. It. Whatevs.

Thos. Merchant

Perhaps her making double-entendres while he is doing weapon maintenance? "Oooh! I love it when you polish your sword! I bet I can polish it better, tho..."

Thos. Merchant

As for "Six Fan Arts" , do you know about the Foglios' "Girl Genius"? Agatha Heterodyne would be kewl!

K. D. Bryan

If we're to see these in the 6 grid fashion, I'd love to see someone who strains the confines of said grid! Perhaps the current massive Avengers iteration of She-Hulk or a particularly peeved Big Barda? Or if you want to strain your photoref skills, Cara Dune from The Mandalorian would be lovely. :)

Stuart Little

Given the month, how about a depiction of how my favourite singly referenced Empowered villain Blunt Trauma celebrated 4/20 this year? Maybe even the Party of Two couple could join him, since one's a healer and there's medicinal properties, apparently.

Joe Crawford

Perhaps the Party of Two assisting each other with dental hygiene procedures.


Lum from Urusei Yatsura, or anyone in a corset!


Alas, the dwarf wouldn't do that, but I did think of an alternate petrification scenario for a sketch this morning!


Hadn't thought of that! Worked the idea into a morning sketch set I'll post with the next PARTY OF TWO update.


I don't think I've drawn the character once since his vol.1 action-figure appearance; was fun to revisit!


Lum in a corset would've been the obvious way to go, but alas, I drew a corset-free sketch of her. Oops!

Jack Hallows

evil dom emp and sub ninjitte left ref on dm ^___


For Party of Two, for some reason I want to see the Half-Orc dancing the hula in the traditional outfit. Don't know why. For Six Fanarts, I would love to see your take on any of the characters from "Saber Marionette" franchise (either sexy or action piece).