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Behold, some very early design roughs from a story in Empowered vol.12 and... another project.

Yeah, Spooky and Emp go on a safari of sorts, during which they have a Very Important Conversation about a certain topic Theresa has conspicuously failed to mention. (Hint: the topic was addressed in a Spooky monologue near the end of  Empowered vol.8.)

Above are test sketches for a smilodon (saber-toothed cat) that might be appearing in the story.

Below are some very, very early roughs for one of the characters from an insanely ambitious SF project I've been developing for a few years. I'm hoping not to have to draw the book myself, but thought I should at least try to visualize the lead charas for my own reference. 

I'm looking at different artists for inspiration and messing around with varying chara-design approaches as I begin developing the look of this property. The comic's actual title gives too obvious a hint as to what it's about, so for the time being, I'll just refer to it as PROJECT X. I can tell you that, as far as I know, no one's ever done an SF comic premise quite like this one; problem is, I don't know who can do the g-d thing, as its demands on the line artist and colorist(s) would be extraordinary.

Trying to go big-eyed and, importantly, skinny with the character above, just for a change of pace from how full-figured and, uh, fleshy I'm drawing Emp nowadays.

Anyhoo, I'll occasionally post roughs from PROJECT X's early visual development here.

An odd postscript: I'm finding that, surprisingly, posting content every weekday on this here Patreon isn't quite as big of a problem as I anticipated; however, the amount of prep time involved in posting that content is very much a problem, as I'm burning well over an hour or two of worktime every day setting up each post. Often, the most time-consuming part is writing up these notes accompanying and detailing the gallery images. So, while I'm probably going to be able to keep up the daily pace of Patreon updates in months to come (particularly if the posts feature, say, 1-3 images instead of 4-6), I might have to cut back on explanatory commentary like this to streamline the process. Hope that's not a deal-breaker for anybody! (Lemme know if it is...)




Not a deal breaker at all. The art glimpses alone are neat, and if you cut the big explain-o-posts to once a week or something, I think we'll all understand. Time is art, etc. New character looks interesting. I'll definitely pick up anything with your art and ideas behind it. When you get to play with future-strangeness like 'Run From The Future', the results are always a ride. And what have you been hiding, Spooky? At least she regrew the arm?


Not a deal breaker at all! You go far above and beyond a majority of the artist I follow, and have followed in the past, here on Patreon. Take care and have a Merry XMAS!

TF Commando

Can’t wait to see more of Project X! And if Spooky is in a safari outfit for some sort of Lost World adventure, will Emp get the jungle girl leopard print bikini? “Oh, great...”


Super excited to see where volume 12 takes us! Spooky makes everything look hot! As for Project X, pleaseplease let it comes to fruition, I love the glimpses. Nahh, not a deal breaker. You could always cut back on a day or two, if you want to do a post with more commentary.

Dean Reilly

Spooky had both arms in <i>High School Hell</i>. The Superhomeys must have a pretty good medical plan!

Lex of Excel

Interesting premise for what's to come... Makes one wonder if Spooky and Emp's safari of extinct megafauna is some sort of pensieve-style scene. Also, looking forward to Project X~


Great to get a glimpse at your character design process. I learn a lot from your notes but they're not a deal breaker. Just giving the pages a title probably gets us halfway there. As mentioned in another comment you go much further than a lot of artists. The anecdotes are interesting but not essential, especially if they're contributing to patreon burn out. It's already so much more accessible than the 'old days' of studying and breaking down finished artwork, expensive 'art of' books or cryptic notes in a foreign language 😅. Thanks Adam!


I think it's totally fair limiting some of the BG commentary when the pieces speak for themselves -- saving the time and effort for introducing new story things or background when it's meaningful and adds context rather than feeling obligated every time around. Very curious to see how this EMP12 conversation will play out too, getting out to some new adventures sounds like a fun way to open things up a little bit!


I enjoy reading about the sketches and learning about your process but it is by no means a problem to me if you cut back. And as someone who loves superheroes going on jungle adventures I'm beyond excited to see it happening in Empowered. Hope they get to spend some extended time in volume 12 in that environment