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Merry Christmas, $5+ Patrons!

The previous installment of Bizsuit Microskirt Blues can be seen here (assuming I remember to add this link once that page goes active). 

From 2003 or thereabouts, here are the final pages of a commissioned DiD story featuring Dirty Pair's Yuri winding up in a most distressing situation; as with most of these story fragments, the narrative just kinda wheezes to a halt, or to a pause, perhaps. By this point, I'd either lined up some actual comics work I had to get underway, or I'd hit the limit of what the commissioner was able to pay for, or I'd just run out of interest in the story, such as it was.

A few notes, starting with panels 1-3, which feature notably more bountiful bosoms that I ever drew in an actual Dirty Pair comic:

Note that the last panel above refers to to the School of Shasti story fragment earlier seen here, so these non-canonical episodes nonetheless possess some degree of internal continuity.

The over-the-top cheesecakery of panel 3 (not a story intended to be published, so what the hell?) reminds me vaguely of Bill Wray—the "good girl" artist, that is, not the Ren & Stimpy fella. And note Yuri's pose in the last panel, a much better figure drawing which wound up getting reused in Empowered vol.8, in a page I'll tack on as a bonus. 

Wellp, this story clearly would've gone off in a potentially bizarre direction if it had continued but, for good or ill, it didn't.

In closing, below is the page from Hiroyuki Utatane's manga Seraphic Feather (which I used to rewrite for Studio Proteus back in the day) that provided the inspiration for Yuri's outrageous bizsuit and microskirt:

And while Bizsuit Microskirt Blues of course went nowhere, the story did provide the forerunner to Emp's very tight and clingy skirt later seen in her Sexy Librarian cosplay in Empowered vol.2: 

And, as I noted before, one of the pages provided the pose used later in Empowered vol. 8:

Anyhoo, Merry Xmas again, and I'll blither at ya later. Also, stand by for a special Xmas DiD post based on a Patron art request, slated to appear later on in the day! And after that, look for a 3:00pm EST poll querying y'all as to which commissioned story fragment you'd like to see serialized here next!

TOMORROW: Another installment of the tweet-format prose dealie I Am Empowered, this time kicking off a long (and, IMHO, much more fun) chapter on the manifold challenges of superheroic rooftop jumping!



Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

The perfect cheesecake accompaniment to Xmas dinner. Merry Christmas Adam, and all other Patrons!


She is nothing if not a clever girl, always thinkin' about how to deal with these shenanigans. Too much fun as this is carried off to a conclusion! XD


Merry Christmas, and cool story! Man, my short stint in industrial espionage was way less exciting. Can't say I'm not curious about where this story would have gone, especially with all of the amusing ways that type of pheromone-based approach could have gone wrong or excessively right.


Excellent cheesecake! Since there's no more pages, I guess we'll just have to imagine her victory and escape. Hooray for tight microskirts and the girls who make them look so nice.