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From 2003 or thereabouts, here are the first 4 pages of a commissioned DiD story featuring Dirty Pair's Yuri winding up in a distressing situation. Had a li'l more direction than usual with this one, as the commissioner in question wanted something featuring, well, a tight skirt, after a recent con sketch along those lines had caught his eye.

So, time for a tale of Yuri undercover, only for her disguise to land her in peril! Notes below:

As we'll see in a future installment, the "bizsuit" (business suit) that Yuri's sporting is derived from, I think, a fairly outrageous outfit in Hiroyuki Utatane's manga Seraphic Feather, for which I was doing the English rewrite courtesy of Studio Proteus and Dark Horse at the time.

The overall outfit was (probably) derived from a manga, but the microskirt was photoreferenced at least in part, probably from photos on deviantART.

Yeah, 2141-era comm technology is just as much of a hassle to deal with as smartphones in a contemporary horror movie. Side note: As much as urbanites and suburbanites love to bitch about the narratively convenient cinematic trope of "NO  CELL SERVICE," as someone who does indeed dwell in the boonies I can assure that such a thing really does happen all the time out in the real (rural) world.

The concept of "libidoquell" software recurs in another "real" Dirty Pair story, Quick and Dirty, which I'll be postingon this Patreon at some point.

Anyhoo, that's it for our first installment of Bizsuit Microskirt Blues, folks! 

Howeva, below is a li'l DiD bonus, in the form of two Clip Studio Paint damsel sketches based on queries from the few, the proud, the Big Spenders of the $20 tier, who get first dibs on art requests every month. One's an OC (original character), the other's Ninjette disguised as Batgirl; alas, the request to show Kozue's "toothsome rump" (per the Caged Demonwolf) prevented me from displaying the Batlogo on her chest to clarify matters. Oh, well.

TOMORROW: Stand by for another chapter of the Twitter prose experiment I Am Empowered, folks!




Excited for part two! And the Utility Belt is a dead giveaway for Batgirl!


You never disappoint! I am ever so grateful for your artistic talents and commitment to your fans! Thank You!


Much as I love redheads, sorry, Kei; Yuri has the best curves.


All this looks good!


Woooow just wow! I hope there are more pages to come :)


This isn't one of the longer stories along these lines, but it will go on for another week or two, depending on how many pages I serialize at a time.


^ BEGONE FOUL HERETIC. ALL MUST WORSHIP KEI’S ACCLAIMED HYPNO-BUTT™ AND OBEY. (Seriously though, Mr. Warren’s said before that “the angels' bodies are basically identical(including height)” due to “ending up with the same preset somatotype as part of the genetic upgrade package with which they were designed”; i.e. they are supposed to have just about identical curves even if they and their respective partisans would loudly insist otherwise. This does not apply to the novel or anime versions, where Kei and Yuri are specifically noted to have distinct measurements, heights and weights; and FWIW it also contradicts the Flatiron Magazine article on the comics, which uses the novel measurements but has dubious canonicity.)


That confident look right before getting captured is a transition I love seeing in your DiD work.