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Here are the final colors by my buddy Ryan Kinnaird for an upcoming Udon Street Fighter Swimsuit Special, this time featuring the somewhat infamous Poison from Final Fight, who apparently rocks the whimsical "police bikini"  seen above as an unlockable dealie in SF 5.

You can see the earlier work stages, from roughs through initial colors, in this post. I'd attach those stages here, too, but the hard-drive folder that contained 'em just got corrupted, and I don't currently have access to 'em. Oops! (Will have to dig those files out of my emails, looks like, as I hadn't backed 'em up.)

I should note that Ryan had earlier sent two different takes on the figure colors. Here's the first one:

...and then a second version, with a slightly different highlight scheme:

I chose the second one, but had Ryan back off on the color holds used for Poison's nose. On the final version above, if you look closely enough, you can see how the inked lines of the nose were restored.

TOMORROW: Patrons of the $5+ tiers can look forward to proto-Empowered comic pages from a commissioned tale of distress featuring a familiar damsel, in a story I've dubbed "Bizsuit Microskirt Blues" (for reasons that will become obvious).




My Southern California-raised brain immediately tried figuring out where the heck she'd have to be to get a setting sun behind her in a sweet tube like that, because the sunset glow colors are really good. It really highlights her musculature and looks perfect.

Dean Reilly

I am probably dumb, but I can't see any difference between the two.