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As the long-awaited Empowered vol.11 finally hits North American comics stores today, thought I'd set up a post for Patron-only comments reacting to the grueling, violent, tear-jerking tome that took me (well) over two years to complete, and might represent the last pencil-based work in my comics career. (Within a week or two, I'll post a long, Twitter-formatted rant about the format, its increasing limitations, and what might be next for my oeuvre.) 

So what did you think, kindly Patrons? I'll slap the ol' SPOILER ALERT on this post to warn off those who've not yet read the book, so readers can speak freely. Fire away, folks! I'll attempt to briefly reply to as many reactions as possible, for whatever that's worth. 

(Note: Empowered v.11 will be released to conventional bookstores and Amazon on Oct.1, Comixology on Oct.2.)



The D-Wrek

Its 6am here in the SF Bay Area, I will be picking this up as soon as I get out of work this afternoon. I CAN'T WAIT. #EmpoweredReleaseDay :3


Alas and alack I will have to wait until October to partake fully, but will gobble any spoiler-y crumbs this thread provides.


Oh. My. God! You are retiring from the pencil work? Along the Stan Sakai you were one of the last bastions of black&white comic. We've all seen your drawing hand but this is bad. Have you considered bionic replacement? ;)


Have to wait till this evening! Looking forward to it!



Stuart Little

...man, you're such an asshole. I'm shaking right now. I stopped reading several times near the end because of the tension. Bravo. (this is a very positive reaction from me, btw, in case that wasn't completely obvious)

Lex of Excel

Only had time for a cursory skim before I leave for work, but I'll say that I fully support Ninjette's sentiment in the stinger. Also that I didn't expect Thugboy's name to NOT start with T.


DON'T DO IT, I beg of you! Believe me, there's plenty of stuff that could be spoiled!


TBH, I was planning on doing maaaaybe one more EMP volume in the pencil format before switching over to digital. (More on this issue later.)


Well fudge, The book is delayed delivery till next Wednesday at my comix shop. No explanation from the distributor.

The D-Wrek

*panting after reading Vol 11.* Lordy... .okay... where to begin? lol The opening scene... beautiful. Set such a heartwarming tone that made me go... this is all gonna come back in to play later on in someway... but how exactly? :'D I've just gotta say , through out all the fighting, and the call backs to these touching interactions Emp had with them previously had me on a rollercoaster of emotions. Like, dang, that panel was amazing, awww, look at them! They're so happy to nooo, *closes book* I need a minute... I haven't been on the edge of my seat like this since READING Death Note all those years ago, just not exactly sure how this is going to go/end. Which made Thugboy and 'Jette's apperance in the book so nerve-racking. Like, nooo, he wouldn't... would he? Nooo... *closes book for a minute* That pg, were EMP finally says "the thing" (I know this is a spoiler thread but I don't wanna give it away totally even here just yet cause it's only day 1 of vol. 11 being out) has got to be my favorite pg of yours of all time. After reading Empowered for so many years it was just So impactful. *slow claps* Well done, Sir. Well done. I can't wait to find out where it goes after all this... (hopefully what 'Jette said on the last pg, ha. After all THIS it's the least they deserve, haha. Feel free to work that out via the high end Patreon tiers. Ha,ha.) As top notch as the art was, I feel like the writing/story overall is the MVP of this volume. I'm gonna need a day to process all of this. :'D P.S - *Salutes the Cap'N* o7


All I can say is 'wow' -- I skipped out of work a little early to go grab this, thought I'd read just a little before continuing to work at home. An hour later, I'd finished the book and was a little blown away. While the action was intense - sometimes a little overwhelming - the emotional through-line was always there thanks to the well-sprinkled flashbacks and side-tracks to the history Emp has over the series. The reminder that books 10 and 11 essentially take place over the course of one day really made for what had to be a jarring experience for Emp but it was great to see just how much she's learned over the years. Emp has been competent from almost the beginning, but seeing others recognize that really tugged at the ol' heart-strings, even as you cleverly set up a few more mysteries for volume 12 (and hopefully beyond)! You're a fiend for that, by the way. Now I'm filled with both things I need to know (the breadcrumbs spreading as far back as certain forbidden Asteroid) and then at least a few good chapters of decompression to deal with the fallout from what just happened to Emp. The amount of cuddles (and perhaps an official poly-am acknowledgement?) Emp has earned could fill a few chapters all on their own! Long story short, great work closing out such a major chapter in the Emp-canon, it knotted so many things off in a way that felt earned and justified, and here's hoping there's still a bright future ahead as Emp starts to mull over all the things she heard today and what that might mean from here. May your arm behave well when the time comes to continue the tale as you deem fit. Can't wait to see where this goes next! :)


Thanks much for the thoughtful reaction; keenly appreciated, I assure you!


Glad the book worked for ya! For various reasons (mainly due to the grinding slog of drawing the book's first half), I have an unusually difficult time evaluating this volume anywhere near objectively, so a detailed response like this is much appreciated.

Frank Innes

This is an extremely random thing but I really liked the little light trails off Emp's eyes and the suit's symbols in the last panel on p22. I'm relieved the overall bodycount wasn't as horrifying as I expected it to be, although I suspect there's going to be some clarification on the fate of certain characters in the next volume. My gods though, the last score or so of pages was so fucking stressful on that count, especially with some of the hints we've had before now. I guess this volume also answers whether there was something deeper with Emp's long-standing penchant for Capitan Rivet merchandise. I'm gonna say that since that previous mention of the suit's DNA merging with Emp's DNA, I had been expecting her to develop some kind of ability to either regenerate her suit or grow her suit out of herself instead of needing to put it on, but I absolutely did not expect it to manifest like that! I think this might also the first time that the suit has communicated directly to Emp? It will be interesting to see if she has concerns about the suit's obvious intelligence/sentience following that.


STUNNING. BRUTAL. I can understand why it took so long -- there's so, SO much detail in every panel! I flew through this book, horrified for Emp and Ninjette and Thugboy; I thought I'd try to savor it, even just a little, but there was no time to! I needed to know who was going to get killed! If you're looking for ideas for volume 12, I'm thinking a nice resort somewhere and the central dramatic plotpoint is that someone knocked over a glass of water and soaked Emp's volume of bootleg Superhomeys yaoi. Also, this is a weird question, but how is "Capitan Rivet" pronounced? I vaguely suspect ree-vay, what with the Capitan part, but crave certainty. Thank you for all your brilliant effort, and also for not killing off what's-their-name and that other one!

Lex of Excel

Alright, finally got around to a proper readthrough. I was tempted to do a Where I Read thread, but I decided against it. At least not until everyone has a chance to enjoy the book themselves. In that regard, holy cripes. I didn't expect THAT much of the Empverse to come into the light in one volume! Every answer leads the mind in a dozen different directions. What's the nature of these aliens who use their superweapons and offer superpowers as schmuck bait? Is the suit notorious among them? How many other capes are mere simulacrums? Is there a common origin point between all these assorted sciences, magic, and esoterica? And most important of all... will Team Emp become an official polyamorous triad??? That all aside, it's certainly been worth the wait. Raising a glass to you, Mr. Warren. ^^

Dean Reilly

I was kind of astonished that Major Havoc of all people was able to throw off Neurospear's control, if only for a moment. I think that this was the most nearly heroic thing we've seen him do!

Joshua Wolfe

Yes, it threw me, too. I guess he did qualify for the Super Homies, even though he spends most of his time being a punk ass.

Joshua Wolfe

Holy crap! That was a rollercoaster of a chapter. Not just a physical one with all the superhero action, but also an emotional one for Emp. We get to see Emp at her highest moments in flashbacks as she faces some of her lowest lows in the trial by fire. The villain barrage of Vol. 9 was a test of Emp's abilities but felt like a romp. This volume, I felt dread, never knowing what horror would jump out next. The highlight for me was Captain Rivet. You get to see him do some serious heroics, and fully realize why he is so important to Emp.

K. D. Bryan

Wow, that was amazing and heartbreaking. "Daddy, no!" got me right in the guts and for a moment, you had me dead certain we'd see Ninjette or Thugboy die this volume. Many, many times you had me sick to my stomach with worry but thank God for Mindfuck. I look forward to Vol 12 and hope for some lighter hijinks, preferably with this near-death experience for all three leading to Kozue confessing her attraction to Elissa and Noah (yay!). At the same time, I am very interested in learning more about the aliens and seeing how the cape community's treatment of Elissa changes now that she's shown how capable she is of enduring their literal worst. Flawless and fantastic!


Thanks much! I was sweating "Daddy, no!" a fair bit, as it arguably tiptoes into "Narm" territory (per TV Tropes), but thought that riff was too striking to leave out. Glad it worked for ya!

Alan Phillips

So just finished reading the digital version, all I can say is....wow. That was harrowing. The whole experience was just scary. IMHO the highlight was Captain Rivet's appearance; his support of Emp and his death was just so heartbreaking. I hope at some point he gets a suitable tribute; he is one of those characters who deserve a eulogy.


Okay, first off, AMAZING! Now, Neurospear is a villain of epic proportions, with his ability to manipulate Supes on the level he does... WOW! To offset his seeming omnipotence, here comes Mindfuck and her very Vulcan-Spockish mind meld trick to protect Emp and Spooky, fucking great! The final conflict with all parties involved, well played! To see Captain Rivet explain to Emp how he could have shielded her from all the crap she got as a “newbie”, but chose not too to toughen her up (so to speak), only to sacrifice himself to save her... Emotionally moving! Can’t wait to see where our heroine and friends go from here (and is there any chance Mindfuck makes a Spock like resurrection, because she and Spooky deserve a happy ending, me thinks)! Great work! Can’t wait for what comes next!

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Finally got my copy delivered on this side of the pond, it was so very much worth the wait. The Captain Rivet arc and its resolution was so G-D moving, and the whole pace of the tension building throughout the book was fantastic. Lots of plot point resolution, explanations, and best of all the way you mirrored the final shot with the way you ended volume 5? Total genius soup, well played sir *salutes*


Just Wow. Took me a little while to get through this volume because when I started reading it, I realized there was a bunch of references I wasn't remembering so I went and re-read everything starting with vol 6. Again, wow. So much stuff resolved and now the ominous portents for the future... loved how Emp finally got to do a serious beat-down on Major Havoc and the bit with her suit now being in her DNA was masterful. Bravo, well done! 👏👏👏 On another note, is there something somewhere that shows how the other Empowered stories (Ten Questions for the Maidman, High School Hell, Unchained, etc) fit into the overall story timeline?


Thanks much for the kind words! And nope, I've never put together a timeline for how the one-shots and minis would fit in.


I'm terrible at describing how things make me feel, but damn, this volume. I don't think anything will kill me the way volume five did (and eight, godsdamnyou), but this is right there. The looks on Ninjette and Thugboy's faces during the final conflict frickin' HURT LIKE HELL. And that last page.... UGH. The way you cut from action to emotional scenes is brilliant and hits all the right points. You made me feel bad for Neurospear, grrr. Even the funny moments are bittersweet; seriously, you are a brilliant writer. The artwork is also stellar. I can see why this took so long. If this does end up being the last traditional media Empowered volume, it sure is one hell of a way to finish that medium. I am so looking forward to the next volume and any side stories to come. Also, Havoc has laser eyes? Totally did not see that coming! One more thing: vomiting the suit, holyshite.