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Above are my thumbnails for issue #4 of 2018's Empowered and Sistah Spooky's High School Hell, a six-part miniseries written by me, drawn by Carla Speed McNeil, and colored by Jenn Manley Lee.  The first 12 pages of this issue are here; and more info on the overall project here.

 Now, with the previous issues, such as #3,  I posted the thumbnails only in their original "quad" format, as seen  above.  Howeva, it's occurred to me that the roughs might be more  appealing if I cropped 'em to show a single page at a time, as seen  below.  

With the page above, Ashlee's sneering analysis of Spooky will turn out to be a bit more complicated than it seems when we get to the story's end.

Also, the first few hints that second-in-command Ashlee might be up to something.

A dumb John Mayer joke, true, but it amused me. 

Time for the issue's closing fight scene, featuring the three blondes with magically lethal hair.

Telekinetic chair fu! KLONKK

Uh oh! Distress ahoy!

I don't normally have the Empowered Guest Artists handle much in the way of "damsel in distress" content, but here we go.  (Might as well tag this post with the DiD tag, come to think of it.)

Mindf**k flashback!

In p.21's panel 6 above, not sure how clear it is that Spooky's lifting her chin to offer her neck up for decapitation, as her (semi-)subtly hinted-at suicidal streak becomes more and more obvious.

Comical decapitations ahoy! 

And that's it for issue #4; stand by for issue #5 next month, folks.




Do you usually thumbnail issues to this extent when you do collaborative comics? It seems like such a generous process.


Anytime I get to see my girl MF, I'm happy, except it also kills me on how sad her and Spooky's relationship is/was.