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I'm reeeeaaally short on time today (as I'm presently struggling with the Most Difficult Script of My Entire G-d Comics Career), so I'm going with the  most easily addressed project possible: the long-defunct Superman/ Dirty Pair crossover.

Back around the time I was working on the Gen13 Bootleg "Grunge: The Movie" arc for Wildstorm, I was flailing desperately about to line up a  crossover, any crossover, between the Dirty Pair and some other, more  popular book, in an attempt to boost the DP's profile (and earn some sweet mainstream page rates in the process). 

Long story truncated, I made a pitch for a project titled Superman/ Dirty Pair: Jupiter Brain that, I gather, took the DP into the DCU for an adventure with Superman...  I no longer recall much of the proposal's details, for good or ill.

Nanotechnology was clearly involved, given the use of the SF term "Jupiter brain",  which refers to a planet-sized body restructured by nanotech into a cyclopean "hypercomputer." The term is usually a figure of speech, but  this time around Jupiter itself was obviously being transformed into an,  uh, "Jupiter brain." 

IIRC, the pitch was briefly approved by DC, long enough for Wizard magazine to ask me to do a mildly infamous  promotional illo for the project: the "Kei tugging on Superman's cape"  piece.  Alas, the sad little 21K(!) file above is the only version I was able to find of the color iteration of the pic; however, I did find an earlier, B&W version on linen-finish cardstock.

Alas, that promo illo proved to be wildly premature,  as the project was eventually "unapproved" by DC, for various reasons.  Oh, well.  Can't blame 'em, as the DP's meager popularity wouldn't have  brought many sales to the table. My apologies for not going in to more  detail on this defunct project, but I dinnae have time for such  blithering today. 

Anyhoo, I'm outta here, and back to the ol' laptop to continue my Sisyphean struggle with that g-d script, which is also why I haven't been able to make much progress on Patrons' art requests this month.  I'm hoping to crank out some pieces during the end of the month, though.  




I wonder if this would be one of those occasions when the planet, miraculously, doesn't explode in the end.


Man, this is one that would be near and dear to me. I've wanted an anime styled superman for years. Specifically due to A-ko's parentage from Project A-Ko.

TF Commando

Do you recall what was going on with Kei coming out of that vat?


I could be mistaken, but I believe the DP were supposed to be manifested in the DCU via nanotech. (Not 100% sure about that, though, as porting Supes into the AD 2141 DPverse seems a less fraught option.)


Kei looks way too happy tugging that cape.


I assume the King of 42nd Street was involved in this somehow.