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As with previous installments of this monthly feature, any of you fine Patrons are welcome to suggest your ideas for a subject or character that I'll tackle for a Patreon-exclusive piece of artwork. (Well, at least initially Patreon-exclusive, as I might someday post the theoretical illo elsewhere in the future.) 

Last month, I was able to tackle three suggestions as Procreate sketch sets: HK superhero Inframan, My Hero Academia's Himiko Toga, and Stem Cell from Livewires. Can't guarantee I'll do that many of 'em again, but I'll do my best, okay?

So, in the comment section below, feel free to make a suggestion for a character or subject you'd like to see me address in a piece of artwork. (Hell, for that matter you could pick properties I've already worked on, such as Empowered, Dirty Pair, Gen 13, Titans: Scissors, Paper, Stone, etc.) I'll pick out at least one request at a whim, and get to working on it sometime before the end of the month. Might wind up being another two-color con sketch, or a digital illo, or a roughed-out comic page, or an Empowered-format one-pager, or something entirely different.


Brian Christy Burke

Why not Godzilla? There's so many versions to choose from. I've drawn him twice recently, and each time was based off a different suit. If you like, I can share links.


I'd love to see anything DiD related, but specifically Emp getting the full mummy wrap treatment via Dirty Pair inspired "Tape Boy" drone. It seems a device that would definitely be in her universe :)


Hot girl(your choice) lots of blood and a chainsaw....:)

Lex of Excel

My earlier request for Emp in a suit and tie is still my preference, but I'd also like to see Thugboy or Ninjette in such an outfit. They'd be dapper as heck.

e-reptile disfunction

Ninjette in "teacher" mode tell us about ninja fails in media.

The D-Wrek

Jamadagni (Witchie-Poo) Vs. Sistah Spooky. :3

TF Commando

Emp (and possibly Ninjette and Thugboy) cosplaying as other heroes, likely with Emp having some sort of issue with her outfit even when dressed as another heroine... if she did Fairchild, it might have gotten torn up, say. An obvious one would be Emp as Fairchild, Ninjette as Roxy (leather jacket fun there!) and Thugboy as Grunge.

Mystic X

As a callback to the heady days of the mid-90s: Sofia from the “Battle arena Toshinden”-games.


Certainly does seem like something ARR! would use, doesn't it? Yet tape drones have only appeared in a single EMP vol. 7 montage page, shockingly enough.


Realizing I'd love to see your take on Marve's Machine Man

Stuart Little

Aeryn Sun from Farscape

Dean Reilly

Jack from Mass Effect 3.

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Long time listener (started buying Manga Mania because of Dirty Pair Plague of Angels cover) first time caller so to speak - made a Patreon account just because I found out you're on here. How about Armitage from Armitage III? I think she'd really suit your style, especially given what you've been posting recently...

Chris Bell

Definitely some Gen13, the run and all the preceding minis (well Bootleg and mini) are huge loves! Some Livewires could be ace too (ugh, yeah and Empowered or Dirty Pair...not helping am I?) Would love to see some takes on Power Rangers too!