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From 2005, here's one of the better illos that my buddy Ryan Kinnaird and I did for the Playstation magazine PSM, created for the "summer swimsuit" feature they ran back in those halcyon days of yore, which boasted art by a whole bunch of different comic artists. The bikini-clad character, here, is vampire chica Rayne (and friends) from the third-person shooter series BloodRayne

Below, a rare color rough for the illo, done with Sharpie markers and red pencil:

Next, my inks (as I rarely bothered to scan the initial pencils, back then). Note that odd line across Rayne's shoulder and cheek, which shows where the two separate bitmap scans of the original artwork didn't quite line up correctly:

And my color guide for the piece:

And, once again, here are Ryan Kinnaird's colors for the piece:

I was only rarely satisfied with the many illustrations I drew for PSM, as they mostly seemed to go astray from initially promising rough sketches. (Nonetheless, you'll see them sooner or later as I grow desperate for Patreon content months down the road.) This really is one of the few such pieces that actually worked out to my satisfaction. 



The D-Wrek

Loved this image/PSM back in the day. Not gonna lie, mostly cause you were a frequent contributor to said magazine. I mean where else was I gonna get a PS1 Valkyrie Wilde memory card sticker. X) https://i.redd.it/56cf43bp7lfz.jpg


That's a lot of blood!


I've always loved this piece. The high-contrast with limited colors is such a nice look. I vaguely recall reading at one point you got asked to draw the swimsuits on the girls because initially they didn't have those, and it was considered too sexy unless they had swimsuits on. The literal waterfall of blood was fine, but bare butt? Get outta here! Or something to that effect.... Anyway, love this piece!


Honestly, unless you look really closely it's hard to tell Ryan's version from yours... except that his is the less risque.


Good catch! Judging by the changes between rough and final, that must be true—but I have no active recollection of having to make the required tweaks.

Joshua Wolfe

I really dug you and Ryan's PSM stuff back in the day. It was my first introduction to your art. You and Fred Perry's sexy/funny style is what first got me into reading comics.


I really like the contrast in this one and the lack of lines, very nice.