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A few weeks back, I solicited all you fine Patrons’ ideas for a monthly art request, and one truly off-the-wall suggestion struck my fancy—namely, Inframan (or Super Inframan), a Hong Kong superhero movie that loomed large in my childhood, even though I never actually saw the darn thing. (If possible, I hope to work on some other suggestions from the list, but time is short before June ends, I’m afraid.)

So, yesterday I spent an hour in Procreate sketching from Inframan photos, combining some unusual life drawing with my ongoing efforts to familiarize myself with working digitally. I found the process surprisingly entertaining, and also surprisingly relevant to the goofy-ass costumes I draw for bad guys in Empowered.

Note that, later on the week, I’ll be posting a Procreate time-lapse of this sketch set on Instagram, as I can’t seem to post a video directly here; I’ll tack on an IG link and use the “notify Patrons” function when I save the updated post, so y’all can go take a look. In a mildly frustrating bit of Procreate minutiae, the video is currently upside-down(!), as I just learned that you have to be very careful about screen orientation when starting a canvas in that app, lest the time-lapse video wind up flipped. (Live and learn, folks.)

UPDATE: And here's a link to me Instagram, featuring a 30-second Procreate time-lapse of the sketch. (Sorry, folks, if getting a notification about this update bugged any of you.)



Brian Christy Burke

That was my suggestion! Good lord, this is glorious! Thank you, sir! Please, do yourself a favor and watch it. It's a wonderful movie.