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Following up on earlier previews from my first bunch of pages drawn for Empowered vol.12 (here's the first page, then the second and third) , here are the next two!

As I said before,  I'm trying to ease my way into vol. 12 by tackling a cheesecake-intensive "damsel in distress" (or "DiD") sequence, which is really, really easy and non-stressful for me to draw; having  done plenty of DiD commissions in my spare time during lean career  years, I can knock that stuff out quite easily, and often quite speedily  as well. (Which is why a new category, that of heretofore unseen  "damsel"-y material in illustration and comics form, is likely headed to this here Patreon before too long.) 

Without waxing too SPOILER-iffic, the question of why the hell all of these low-level bad guys were armed with K.O. Kloth (and, we'll see see, a few other Emp-relevant items) ties into a much larger and more important issue for our often-struggling heroine.

And now, the page roughs:

Can't believe I hadn't previously thought of the idea of cutting away to panels of a semi-meta Emp complaining about getting captured (as in the "NOOOOO!" panel), as I do love a good Emp rant. Note also that she's pulled her mask down in a rather Spider-Gwen-like fashion, just to try something different. 

Anyhoo, that's all I could dig up in a hurry for a quick post, after a maddeningly difficult and draining day of post-con travel yesterday. Hope you folks like it!




Given that the top of Emp's head is right there, it's a little embarrassing to say I never even considered that she could pull it down like that. Very cool! I guess the suit uses the same sticky-tech to stay adhered to her face that it does when she's wall-crawling.

Sleepy Comics

This issue is on my buy list. I can tell this is something very special! Thanks for sharing.

Lex of Excel

So whoever these guys work for--"E" from the insignia--expected Emp to be there, or planned their caper to account for her. Suspicious for an alleged laughingstock... Hmm.


Emp getting internally angry is cute, for some reason. Glad to see more DiD content coming our way!


It'll be interesting to see how this sequence plays out through the lens of her confidence and time. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this volume evolves and hopefully travel treats you kindly there post-con!