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And now, the rest of my sketches from Heroes Con! Above is a "DiD" (damsels in distress) commission of Emp and Ninjette cosplaying as Black Canary and Zatanna. No idea why I chose such boring, non-dynamic poses for the ladies; at the very least, I could've had 'em hanging upside-down with the same poses.

Well, this was my last sketch from Saturday, so no doubt my energy and creativity were at a low ebb. Below, the pencils for the illo:

And a pic from the hotel bar, as I started inking:

Next, a sketch of cosplaying Emp drawn in a very, very large sketchbook:

Next, a Harley Quinn illo that was part of an evolving, multiple-artist sketch cover:

And a fairly wonky Caitlin Fairchild (her left shoulder and arm are, alas, a mess) from Gen13:

And a Savage Land Rogue, photoreferenced from cosplay for a bit of life drawing (though I should note that the actual cosplayer was a fair bit skinnier):

And finally, a Catwoman.

I really should try to take more work-in-progress pics, but I never seem to remember. Oh, well.

And that's it for Heroes Con 2019, folks! Had a great time, so I hope to return next year.




Emp learning the grass isn't always greener is a great laugh, and the cosplay piece is still a ton of fun with some great little touches in the hair and for Emp and the blouse for Ninjette. These compilation posts are a delight!

Ruth and Darrin Sutherland

It was wonderful seeing you at HeroesCon and thanks so much for sharing the awesome commissions you did during the weekend! 😍


For some reason 'Jette's hat in the first drawing amuses me. The Rouge and Cat Woman pieces are rather striking.


Haha! That Black Canary/Zatanna combo is mine! 😆 And thank you again for drawing the fishnets. Ooooo, and there was a possibility of upside down bondage? I’ll keep that in mind for if they ever have heroes con ever again and we’re lucky enough for you to come back.