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Behold, a 6-page preview from early on in the upcoming Empowered vol.11, as poor Emp tangles with civilian drivers being "puppeted" by a powerful (and also deranged) telepath. For the record, the following images are my "work-in-progress jpegs" for the pages; the final, printed version of the book will appear much bolder, crisper, and cleaner than these rather washed-out-looking puppies might indicate.

Did not enjoy drawing that garbage truck, BTW!

Drawing that g-d car wasn't much easier, either.

Whoops, really should've tweaked the levels on these preview jpegs to be a bit darker! Oh, well. Also, debated on using dialogue to explain that Emp was trying to slow the car down enough to be able to grab it (lest the garbage truck collide with it), but decided to go "silent" with the action instead.

And thus ends Emp's brief sojourn at street level! The rest of the story's 205 pages of non-stop action all take place across the rooftops of the city, as a desperate Emp runs a gantlet of possessed superheroes. Can our heroine survive? Find out on Sept. 18 at your local North American comics store, folks (and Oct.1 for bookstores and Amazon)!




Oh man this looks so good! I can't wait!

A Patreon of the Ahts

Funny I always enjoyed drawing machinery etc, it was people I didn't like drawing...


Okay, I'm totally seeing why Emp11 took so long to finish


I don't know if I can wait until September, ugh! I love the shadow and light work of Emp's eyes and suit triangles when she's under the car.

Steven Ng

Looking great. I've put in my preorder at my local comic shop.


Builds some solid hype for how intense this volume is going to be. Hopefully someone will be there at the end to give her a good hug, and maybe some ice cream after all this! XD

A Patreon of the Ahts

That jump and run with the car is the super-est thing I've ever seen her do...

Dean Reilly

In the last panel, I can't help but see those rows of little white squares on Mindfuck's costume as teeth.


car full of kids even, as if the day wasn't bad already