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Am flying back from Phoenix Fan Fusion today, so about all I can do for a Patreon post is pull images of my phone's camera roll. Above is a con sketch from yesterday in which I got in a li’l life drawing by using photoreference—if steeply up-angled, lens-distorted, and notably busty photoref—for an Empowered illo. (Vaguely startling to see Emp without her hair at least partially obscuring her chest, as it usually does. Yikes!)

For a bonus, below is the actual photo I was reffing from. (No idea where the image is from, alas, as it's from a grab-bag folder of pix acquired online over the last ten years or so.)

I did originally try to draw that foreground hand, but the tricky foreshortening and trickier camera-lens distortion made it look ludicrous. The model's other hand I replaced with one of my cartoon-riff Emp paws.

Swear to Gawd that the details on the bent left elbow were the most interesting part of the photoref, as elbow rendering ain't my strong suit. No, really!

The mildly tricky lines of the model's breasts draping along her rib cage were also distinctive, as I'm presently drawing a new character with, ah, a bit more bustiness than I'm used to depicting. (You'll be hearing more about her before too long, never fear.)



Lex of Excel

This probably ranks among my favorite pieces of Emp art that you've done. ^^


Elbow. Yep. Definitely was my first thought... No wait, it was WOW sexy!

Kevin J. Maroney

There are hundreds of copies of that photo floating around the web with no caption more useful than "Underboob, shredded jeans". I do like how this drawing shows the attention you pay to things like characteristic expressions and figure details--a less meticulous artist would have just copied the photo's stance and physique. Always the professional, Mr. W.


I really do love this piece, its different and yet so you. And sexy Emp is always a plus!