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A while ago, this somewhat well-known Spider-Woman cover illo from the late 70s was mentioned in passing as I was revisiting part of the issue's rather wacky narrative for an Empowered sketch set:

...when, after a Patron mentioned it as a possible art request topic, I considered reinterpreting the cover concept with Ninjette instead of Emp. Here's the initial CSP sketch in progress:

..and the final version:

...which features a "DiDverse crossover" of sorts with the "Giant-Size(d) Pint-Size(d) Ninja," as seen in these early-2000s(?) pages from a Dirty Pair commissioned "story" pitting Yu--nay, Lily against their collective menace:

Wonky and overly torso-twisty as it might be, I've always liked that panel 3 shot of Lily kneeing the Giant-Size(d) Ninja, which is (IIRC) borrowed loosely from a Cammy pose in an old Street Fighter manga.

Anyhoo, I'll finish off this hasty post with a random sketch of (a rather too bottom-heavy) Ninjette imperiled by her own costume's wrappings:

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




Lily is a huge fave of mine! The chair tie scene you did with her when that dude roped her into the chair one one of my fave bondage panels EVER