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Behold, a limited set of Work Stages on a recent-ish Con Sketch of sorts, done as another test of elapsed work time with a format calling back to the conventions I am no longer able to attend for the time being.

First off, the initial quarter-page thumbnail drawn on 8.5" X 11" paper:

Not that you can tell, but the pose was originally based on an interesting photo of a gymnast; alas, the skirt and costume covered up some of the more interesting shading seen in the pic.

Next up, the lightboard-transferred and tightened-up final pencils:

In truth, I disliked intensely how that g-d skirt and her arms worked out in the pencils, and srsly considered discarding the piece; sensibly, I set it aside for a day or two and returned to finish the illo with a workmanlike and pragmatic view "just finish the g-d thing, however flawed it might be."

I forgot to scan the inks, so we'll jump right to the colors:

While I like the way those background "cosmic power FX" look, the actual process of setting 'em up was phenomenally frustrating and time-consuming. I had to ink the outlines of all that pseudo-Kirby Krackle then laboriously fill in the blacks around 'em with Sharpies; probably 40%-50% of the worktime spent on this illo was spent just noodling in black ink around those g-d Krackles. (Note that this would've been easy-peasy to accomplish in a digital format, of course.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE: Ehh, will likely be either a Guest Artist illo for The Chaste and the Chained or a new illo drawn by me for The Last Party, looks like, with another Life Drawing post and Monthly Bonus Dealie looming at the end of the week.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Will almost certainly be the latest test illo from The Last Party, which is almost complete save for some ersatz "glitter FX" needing to be added around the Half-Orc Healer's hands. Yay?




"pseudo-Kirby Krackle" instantly locked in that descriptor for me.


The colors in this are incredible! There's still a lovely sense of flow and flex in the pose, she's got a great, strong look to her. An absolutely gorgeous piece here. Thank you for sharing it with us!