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Yeahp, 'tis another new Clip Studio Paint (iOS) sketch set based on old photoreference from my tablet's camera roll:

I was quite displeased with the first two sketches at left, in which I followed my usual approach of slowly and painstakingly attempting to closely replicate the photos' tricky shading, but found myself frustrated by the results. With the sketches at right I rolled with a quicker, looser, higher-energy approach, which I wound up enjoying a whole lot more; TBH, drawing tightly rendered sketches is of dubious utility at best to my future artwork, so I should probably stick to a "loosier-goosier" sketching orientation going forward.

What do you think, dear Patrons (if you'll pardon the wan attempt at engagement)?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




I don't think your loosier style is all that loose. Looks pretty damn tight. So do what you like and how it serves your future art.


The center two figures came out goo, so if they're the loosey-goosey pattern, it evidently worked quite well!