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Hey all!

You're probably aware of all the polls I've sent out in the past asking for your opinions on a few themes and direction of my stories. Not sure if you're felt that my past few longer stories have been a little 'meh' compared to the past; after some self reflection I've concluded that it's probably due to a developing writer's burnout. With 200+ stories and 500,00+ words written in almost 2 years, it has started to creep up to me.

Story writing has just been a side hobby on top of my usual day job where I'll put in a few hundred words a night or so to eventually publish a story in a weeks time. There were moments where I had plenty of time to pump out stories while there were times when I was bogged down with work and other events like health. I've started writing after spending a few years reading other author's stories, putting together a style from all of them 'unique' to me. I must say, it has been quite successful the past year or so and it has even led me to open this Patreon account to help me continue writing.

However, after so many stories, it seems like the structure and style are getting repetitive, and I hope that I can fix that (I gauge this from DA favorites and Patreon likes) . All the time spent writing no longer allowed me to invest time to read other people's stories and learn from their writing styles.

After careful consideration, I've decided to postpone story writing for 3 weeks in August, starting on the 7th Aug to end of Aug. I'm letting you know ahead of time if you choose to pause your subscription for those weeks, but I'll greatly appreciate your support during this time. What will be happening during those 3 weeks?:

- I'll pause writing short stories / requests / random long stories

- I'll continue writing for the commissioned stories (I have a backlog after-all)

- I'll be posting short stories I've already written ahead of time in regards to the milestone event last month

- To be honest, not much of a change, but you'll see a lot more short stories to fill the time rather than the longer stories as I take a break.

- I'll be busy working late nights at my day job during this period so this has also been a factor to the date selected.

This isn't me ranting or complaining about writing at all. I just want to be transparent about my decision next month, and I hope you all understand. I want to break out of the impending burn-out to continue writing stories we all enjoy. You guys can help too by leaving some constructive feedback about what you want to see more and things you think I can improve on as I reflect on them during the break. Maybe I'm wrong after-all, and nothing needs to change, your feedback through comments and likes helps me determine that.

TLDR; Taking a short 3 week break in August to improve on my stories and renew my passion for writing while I'm busy with my day job. Nothing much will change except less long stories and more captions during that period. You can leave tips and opinions on what you think I can improve on below.

Appreciate your support and understanding

~ Wombat



Do whatever you gotta to take care of yourself, mate. I can say for sure my subscription will continue regardless ^^


Always love your stuff and amazed with how much you pump out since reading it on FA and opentgc. Take care and rest well!