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Practical Joke

Guys… that’s not funny…” you shout at the locked cedar door as you hear faint snickering from the other side. Looking around the small sauna room, you begin to feel more anxious from all the steam rising off the hot rocks. The wooden surrounding feels increasing hot and humid as you begin to hammer against the door. Wiping sweat off your forehead, you desperately rattle the doorhandle to see your hand much smaller with dainty fingers and glossy nails protruding out from them. “Fuck… I’m already hallucinating from the heat?” you mutter to yourself in a panic as you try to control your emotions and think rationally.

Grabbing a plank off the seats, you try to pry the door open with it only for it to snap and send you falling to the ground with a loud thud. “Damnnit…” you grumble, rubbing your sore body, unaware of your tendons tightening and bones shrinking. Unable to reach a bucket on the shelf you once easily could, you wonder if you’ve gotten shorter as you feel slightly nauseous. Considering trying to break the door down again, you decide against it after looking at your slender arms and pedicured nails that could be chipped. “F-fuck you guys…” you shout, giving the door a kick only to whimper in pain as your legs suddenly cramp up. Massaging your toned calves and wiggling your petite toes to make sure they’re okay, you pace around the sauna trying to think of a solution. With every step, your thighs bubble with fat, growing thicker than your head and starting to rub against each other, making you shudder from the sensations.

The humidity slows down your racing thoughts as you consider breaking the glass window to escape but you have nothing to shatter it with. Climbing on top of the seats to have a better view, you feel your hips pop as they suddenly expand into child-bearing proportions while your broad shoulders crunch narrower. “Hello?” you shout, trying to attract someone’s attention as your spine cracks shorter and curvier from you desperately looking around. Feeling defeated, you try to gather your thoughts, but your head feels increasingly foggy as your chest starts to pulsate.

Oh fuck… what’s happe—unngh…” you groan as you touch your hard nipples and feel rolls of fat flood underneath them. Confused, you grope your chest in disbelief as budding A-cups slowly protrude out and swell into modest B-cups. Beginning to hyperventilate, you breathe in more of the hot air and feel lightheaded as you feel your breasts expand into heavy D-cups hanging off your chest and jiggling from the slightest movement. “Wha… were they always this big?” you mutter to yourself in a daze as you squeeze your tits, remembering all the times you caught boys ogling your deep cleavage. Inhaling sharply, you shiver as you accidently pinch your nipple and feel increasingly aroused as you look down to see a boner protruding between your thick thighs.

Grabbing your dick with your feminine hands, it feels both familiar and foreign to you as you slowly pump your fingers up and down your shaft. Within seconds, you let out a yelp as cum splatters out of your inverting cock and your empty balls slurp into your crotch to form ovaries. The unbearable heat hinders your confused thoughts as you instinctively push your fingers into your newly formed slit, feeling the moist pussy flaps envelop them as they explore deeper. “Nuughh… oh my god…” you moan as your body convulses with pleasure; causing your ass to rapidly swell with fat into a bubble butt to better suit your wide hips and stocky thighs.

So… hot…” you gasp for air, reaching down for the water tap and splashing water onto your face to cool down. Tucking the lengthening blonde hair out of your eyes, you desperately scoop out more and sigh in relief as you feel the water dripping from your high cheekbones and round face into your cleavage. Rubbing your face, your appearance continues to warp under your hands as your nose shrinks into a button nose while a thin layer of make-up coats your face. “Guys… are you opening the door?” you coo, hearing your voice crack higher into a sultry feminine tone with a developing Japanese accent. The snickers outside stops as you smile to yourself, feeling your lips plump up with lipstick while your neck becomes smoother without an Adam’s apple. Rubbing your eyes, they widen into a slanted almond complexion with dark brown irises matching your Asian heritage as your eyebrows thin and eyelashes flutter longer. Wiping the sweat off your body, you shudder at the sensations flowing through your body as you look down at your smooth and unblemished creamy oriental skin still slick with sweat.

So… you joining me?” you ask with a seductive smile as two boys open the room with eyes fixated on your breasts and dripping pussy.


I'll be posting captions between my main longer stories. This will help fill the gaps in between my long writing, drafting and publishing times. Let me know if there are any captions you enjoy I may consider expanding into a longer story. 



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